Please download, complete, and submit forms via email to Make sure that the document is filled out and e-signed prior to submission.
*IMPORTANT* - You must first download the form and save it as a file on your computer, then fill it out, save it, and email it to us. Otherwise the form will be blank.
Declaring Your Major and Minors
Academic & Career Advising has guidance for you on declaring your major.
- (box link, fillable pdf) - download and complete this form by typing in the fillable PDF and saving it. Email permission and this form can be sent to Ask your advisor about your catalog year if you are unsure.
Independent Study
- Independent Study Contract (on Registrar's website)
- Complete the full form and obtain all signatures using the DocuSign process.
Applications for Readmission or Leave of Absence
- ** (box link, fillable PDF)
**if you were previously suspended from Pacific and plan to return, you must also fill out an and submit before the deadline.
- Leave of Absence - follow the steps under "Exiting the University".
Appeals and Petitions
- (box link, fillable PDF) - must also with an advisor to discuss
- (box link, fillable PDF)
- (fillable Word Document)
- For forms related to the Academic Standards Petition and Exception to College Policy, please see the Registrar's Form since that office oversees this process.
Please allow a minimum of 72 hours for processing after submitting to us via email.