Advising Forms

Please download, complete, and submit forms via email to advisingcenter@pacificu.edu. Make sure that the document is filled out and e-signed prior to submission.  

*IMPORTANT* - You must first download the form and save it as a file on your computer, then fill it out, save it, and email it to us. Otherwise the form will be blank. 

Declaring Your Major and Minors

Academic & Career Advising has guidance for you on declaring your major.

  • (box link, fillable pdf) - download and complete this form by typing in the fillable PDF and saving it. Email permission and this form can be sent to advisingcenter@pacificu.edu. Ask your advisor about your catalog year if you are unsure.  

Independent Study

  • Independent Study Contract (on Registrar's website)
    • Complete the full form and obtain all signatures using the DocuSign process. 

Applications for Readmission or Leave of Absence

  • ** (box link, fillable PDF)

**if you were previously suspended from Pacific and plan to return, you must also fill out an and submit before the deadline.

Appeals and Petitions

  • (box link, fillable PDF) - must also with an advisor to discuss
  •  (box link, fillable PDF)
  • (fillable Word Document)
  • For forms related to the Academic Standards Petition and Exception to College Policy, please see the Registrar's Form since that office oversees this process. 

Please allow a minimum of 72 hours for processing after submitting to us via email. 

Contact Us

Academic & Career Advising