History | Academic Advising Handbook

History majors should consult a member of the History Department early on. All majors must:

  • Must take four credits of 100 level survey courses (It is highly desirable that these sequences are taken prior to taking upper-division courses in history)
  • Must take eight credits of 200 level history courses
  • At least 20 credits 300-level or above in history (not including 391), with at least 4 credits in a 400-level seminar-style class (not including 491 or 492)
  • HIST 355-01 (2 credits) Historical Thinking: taken in fall of junior year
  • HIST 355-02 (2 credits) Historical Research: taken in fall of junior year
  • Senior Capstone:
    • HIST 333 British Empire or HIST 365 Civil Rights Movements + co-requisite HIST 491 (1 credit): taken in fall senior year
    • HIST 492 (1 credit) in the spring of senior year
  • The History Department recommends study abroad for a semester, year, or one of the Winter III courses during the sophomore or junior years. Study abroad is NOT recommended in the senior year.
  • The History Department recommends reserving Winter Term in the senior year for thesis work.

The model below is by no means the only acceptable plan. There is great flexibility in designing course work in the history major.

Model Schedule for the History Major

First Year

Semester One

Semester Two
100 level history Core
FYS- HUM 100 200 level history
Core Core
Language Language
Second Year
Semester One Semester Two
200 level history 300 level history
Core Core
Core other
Pre-req for 300 level breadth requirement other
Third Year
History courses may be satisfied in study abroad programs
Semester One Semester Two
History 355: Historical Research 300 level history
History 355: Historical Thinking 300/400 level history or internship
300-level history other
other other
Fourth Year
Semester One Semester Two
300/400 level history 300/400 level history
History 491 / Thesis History 492
HIST 333 or 365 other
other other

Revised 2019