
International Studies | Academic Advising Handbook
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鶹Ӱ offers an International Studies major and a minor. 

Students have a number of different pathways to complete the International Studies major which consists of three parts: 1) a set of core courses, 2) an international experience, and 3) a second multi-disciplinary set of courses to support the student’s chosen international experience.

Many students combine an IS major with a second major or minor–languages, business, natural sciences, social sciences, and public health are all smart options with good career prospects. Students can think of IS as a way to internationalize any major.

Important tips:

  • You should pursue a second language–start taking language classes as soon as possible in the language of your choice.
  • You will be studying or working abroad as part of your major, so think ahead about your coursework schedule for all 4 years. Most students study abroad in their junior year.
  • The courses you take while studying abroad may count toward your major requirements, so be sure to discuss your course choices with your advisor.
  • You should plan to study abroad in a country where your chosen language is spoken. Please contact the International Programs Office to learn about your many options (intlprograms@pacificu.edu). 
  • You will be taking courses in our Global Skills program (4cr) the semesters before, during, and after your study abroad semester.

Transfer Students

Because of the interdisciplinary nature of International Studies and the frequency with which new courses are available, the electives required in the IS major are flexible and students should speak with the IS Advisor or Chair to find out if additional courses might apply to the major. See below for electives list. 


International Studies Major Requirements

A minimum of 16 (sixteen) credits of the major must be upper-division.

Core Courses

*IS 220W Introduction to International Studies 4 credits
IS 201 Intercultural Communication 4 credits
POLS 345 or POLS 340 International Political Economy or Security, Rights, and Globalization 4 credits
IS 401 Senior Research 4 credits
IS 402 Senior Thesis 2 credits

TOTAL CORE: 22 credits

*IS 220W fulfills the CAS Writing in the Disciplines (WID) Core requirement.  IS 401 can sub as WID for transfer students who enter with IS 220 equivalent credits. 

Language Proficiency 202-level or above

  • Students proficient in a second language beyond the 202 level may waive these credits/courses. Approval of the Chair of the World Languages Department is required for a waiver.
  • Students should plan to complete their 202 language course prior to study abroad. 

Global Skills and International Experience:

Students must Study Abroad for at least one semester.*

IS/HUM 311 Global Skills 1 - Prepare 2 credits
IS/HUM 312 Global Skills 2 - Engage 1 credit
IS/HUM 313 Global Skills 3 - Leverage 1 credit

Any credits beyond the 12cr minimum can count toward elective credits in the major. Students unable to study abroad during a regular semester may request to substitute a summer international experience of at least 8 credits or an international internship for the study abroad requirement. The summer international experience or internship must be approved by the Chair of International Studies.

Interdisciplinary Coursework (choose 4 credits from the following list; ideally, these support the study abroad/internship experience):

  • Any 300- or 400-level course in World Languages (CHIN, FREN, GER, JAPN, SPAN) except FREN 311/411, FREN 312/412, GER 315, SPAN 301, SPAN 315.
  • Any international short-term travel courses. (Domestic short-term travel courses may be accepted with the approval of the IS Chair). Check the Office of International Programs website for available courses. Be aware that prep courses are required for travel courses and occur the semester prior to travel, so advanced planning is helpful. Check all pre-requisites. Examples from Summer 2021 include ENG 326 “Travel Writing in Italy”, IS 236 “Costa Rica Travel”, BIOL 366 “Galapagos and Ecuador.”
  • Any courses from the following list (other courses not listed below must be approved by the Chair of International Studies):
ANTH/REL 140 Intro to Comparative Religion
ARTHI 276 Art & Architecture of Asia
BA 312 International Business
BA/ECON 452 Global Finance
ECON 328 Macroeconomics Gov/Central Banking
ECON 341W International Trade and Development
EDUC 308 Learning Communities: Personal Awareness
ENGL 227 International Trade and Development
ENGL 324 Post-Colonial Literature: Tales of Conquest Retold
HIST 216 History of Modern Japan
HIST 217 Making of Modern China
HIST 232 The Holocaust
HIST 235 Europe Since World War II
HIST 333 History of the British Empire
HIST 338 The Era of French Revolution
HUM 204 Chinese Cultural Study
HUM 207 German Film in English
HUM 213 Intro to Japanese Literature
HUM 260 U.S. Latinas/os & Pop Culture
HUM 306 Latino Fiction
HUM 360 Advanced Topics: US Latina/o Studies
IS 235 Costa Rica: Travel Prep
IS 236 Costa Rica: Travel
MUS/ANTH 241 Intro to World Music
PH 325 Global Public Health
PHIL 305 Asian Philosophy
POLS 180 The U.S. in World Affairs
POLS/HIST/IS 239 Latin America I
POLS/HIST/IS 241 Latin America II
POLS/IS 330 National Systems and Global Challenges
POLS/IS 331 Modern Dictatorship
POLS/IS 340 Security, Rights, and Globalization
POLS/IS 345 International Political Economy
SOC/PSJ 347 Global Capitalism and Neo-Colonial Inequality
THEA/HUM 351 Traditional Theatre of East Asia

International Studies Minor Requirements

IS 220W Introduction to International Studies 4 credits
IS 201 Intercultural Communication 4 credits
POLS 345 or POLS 340 International Political Economy or Security, Rights, and Globalization 4 credits
Two Additional Courses 8 credits, at least 4 credits at the 300 level or from the list of interdisciplinary coursework below. 8 credits

Interdisciplinary Coursework (choose 4 credits from the following list; ideally, these support the study abroad/internship experience):

  • Any 300- or 400-level course in World Languages (CHIN, FREN, GER, JAPN, SPAN) except FREN 311/411, FREN 312/412, GER 315, SPAN 301, SPAN 315.
  • Any international short-term travel courses. (Domestic short-term travel courses may be accepted with the approval of the IS Chair). Check the Office of International Programs website for available courses. Be aware that prep courses are required for travel courses and occur the semester prior to travel, so advanced planning is helpful. Check all pre-requisites. Examples from Summer 2021 include ENG 326 “Travel Writing in Italy”, IS 236 “Costa Rica Travel”, BIOL 366 “Galapagos and Ecuador.”
  • Any courses from the following list (other courses not listed below must be approved by the Chair of International Studies):
ANTH/REL 140 Intro to Comparative Religion
ARTHI 276 Art & Architecture of Asia
BA 312 International Business
BA/ECON 452 Global Finance
ECON 328 Macroeconomics Gov/Central Banking
ECON 341W International Trade and Development
EDUC 308 Learning Communities: Personal Awareness
ENGL 227 International Trade and Development
ENGL 324 Post-Colonial Literature: Tales of Conquest Retold
HIST 216 History of Modern Japan
HIST 217 Making of Modern China
HIST 232 The Holocaust
HIST 235 Europe Since World War II
HIST 333 History of the British Empire
HIST 338 The Era of French Revolution
HUM 204 Chinese Cultural Study
HUM 207 German Film in English
HUM 213 Intro to Japanese Literature
HUM 260 U.S. Latinas/os & Pop Culture
HUM 306 Latino Fiction
HUM 360 Advanced Topics: US Latina/o Studies
IS 235 Costa Rica: Travel Prep
IS 236 Costa Rica: Travel
MUS/ANTH 241 Intro to World Music
PH 325 Global Public Health
PHIL 305 Asian Philosophy
POLS 180 The U.S. in World Affairs
POLS/HIST/IS 239 Latin America I
POLS/HIST/IS 241 Latin America II
POLS/IS 330 National Systems and Global Challenges
POLS/IS 331 Modern Dictatorship
POLS/IS 340 Security, Rights, and Globalization
POLS/IS 345 International Political Economy
SOC/PSJ 347 Global Capitalism and Neo-Colonial Inequality
THEA/HUM 351 Traditional Theatre of East Asia

*POLS 340 or 345 can count towards electives if not taken for core credit.

Questions? Email Dr. Michael Miller at mjmiller@pacificu.edu or Dr. Jann Purdy purd6219@pacificu.edu .

You can also check out the IS website at /as/internationalstudies

Annual Class Planning Guide

This planning guide shows the predicted offerings for certain courses in this major. Use the guide to help you think about future terms. For a list of classes currently offered and how they fulfill core requirements, please see BoxerOnline and cross-reference this page as needed. Meet with your advisor and/or reach out to the department if you have questions.

Course Number  Course Name  Fall  Winter  Spring  Notes 
IS 155  New Topics         
IS/POLS 180 The U.S. in World Affairs     X Cross-listing was approved by the CC, not entered yet in BoxerOnline.
IS 201  Intercultural Communication  X     2021-22 The course will be offered in the spring due to sabbatical. Required for major and minor.
IS 220W  Introduction to International Studies      Required for major and minor. 
IS 222  Introduction to East Asian Studies        Not currently offered.
IS/POLS 232 Middle East Events   X   Cross-listing was approved by the CC, not entered yet in BoxerOnline. Offered every other year, odd years.
IS 235  Costa Rica: Travel Prep      X 2021, 2022 then every other year. 
IS 236  Costa Rica: Service Learning AbroadTravel      X 2021,2022  then every other year. 
IS/HIST/POLS 239 Latin America I X     Cross-listing was approved by the CC, not entered yet in BoxerOnline.
IS/HIST/POLS 241 Latin America II     X Cross-listing was approved by the CC, not entered yet in BoxerOnline.
IS 255  New Topics         
IS 275  Internship    X  
IS 311  Global Skills I: Prepare    Required for major. 
IS 312  Global Skills II: Engage    X Required for major. 
IS 313  Global Skills III: Leverage    X Required for major. 
IS 318  The Business of Capitalism in East Asia        Not currently offered. 
IS/POLS 330 National Systems and Global Challenges       Cross-listing was approved by the CC, not entered yet in BoxerOnline. Not sure if/when offered.
IS/POLS 331 Modern Dictatorship       Cross-listing was approved by the CC, not entered yet in BoxerOnline.
IS 355  New Topics         
IS 395  Independent Study         
IS 401  Senior Seminar      Required for major. 
IS 402  Senior Seminar and Thesis      Required for major. 
IS 450  Special Topics in International Studies         
IS 455  New Topics         
IS 475  Internship     
IS 495  Independent Research         
POLS 340 Security, Rights, Globalization     X 2022 and even years. Spring 2022 and even years. POLS 340 or 345 required for major and minor.
POLS 345 International Political Economics     X 2021 and odd years. Spring 2021 and odd years. POLS 340 or 345 required for major and minor.

Sample 4-year schedule for IS Major

The following outline is a guide and lists only courses required for the major. Students must also take courses to fulfill all college core requirements.

First year

  • IS 220W Introduction to International Studies
  • IS 201 Intercultural Communication
  • Language courses: 101 & 102 or above

Sophomore year

  • IS/POLS 340 Security, Rights, Globalization or 345 International Political Economics
  • IS/HUM 311 Global Skills 1--Prepare (taken the semester before study abroad/internship)
  • Language courses: 201 & 202 or above

Junior year

  • International Experience: study abroad program or international internship
  • IS/HUM 312 Global Skills 2--Engage (taken during study abroad/internship semester)
  • IS/HUM 313 Global Skills 3--Leverage (taken after study abroad/internship semester)
  • One elective from the Interdisciplinary Coursework list

Senior year

  • IS 401 Senior Seminar
  • IS 402 Senior Seminar and Thesis
  • One elective from the Interdisciplinary Coursework list

Sample 2-year schedule for IS Major

The courses that transfer students need to take in order to complete the International Studies major in 2 years will depend upon each student’s previous coursework. Please work closely with your IS advisor to plan carefully.

Junior year


  • IS 201 Intercultural Communication
  • Language course: 202-level or above (201-level if study abroad is completed fall of senior year).
  • One elective from the Interdisciplinary Coursework list If IS 220 credits are already completed, IS/HUM 311 Global Skills 1--Prepare would ideally be completed in the fall in order to study abroad in the spring.


  • IS/POLS 340 or 345
  • IS 220W Introduction to International Studies
  • IS/HUM 311 Global Skills 1--Prepare (taken the semester before study abroad/internship)
  • Language
  • If IS 220 credits already completed, International Experience (study abroad/international internship) should be completed in the spring; IS/POLS 340 or 345 would be completed the following spring.

Senior year


  • IS/HUM 312 Global Skills 2--Engage (taken during study abroad/internship semester)
  • International Experience: study abroad program or international internship 
  • IS 401 Senior Seminar


  • IS 402 Senior Seminar and Thesis
  • IS/HUM 313 Global Skills 3--Leverage (taken after study abroad/internship semester)
  • One elective from the Interdisciplinary Coursework list