The major in Bioinformatics is designed for students interested in molecular biology and genetics as well as information technologies and computer science. Students often begin with a strong interest in biology or with a stronger interest in computer science.
Depending upon initial interest, two possible scenarios for the first two years are shown:
Scenario I | Start with Biology
First Year Schedule
- MATH 122 or MATH 125 | College Algebra or Pre-Calculus | 4
- CHEM 220 | General Chemistry I (if math 125 or higher) | 4
- HUM 100 | First Year Seminar | 4
- Core Electives | 4
Total: 16 Credits
- Elective | 2
- MATH 125| 4 OR MATH 207 | Statistics | 4
- CHEM 230 | General Chemistry II | 4
- BIOL 200 | 4 OR BIOL 201 | 4
Total: 16 Credits
Second Year Schedule
- BIOL 200 | 4 OR BIOL 201 | 4
- CS 150 | Intro to Computer Science | 4
- CHEM 300 | Fund. of Organic Chemistry | 4
- Electives | 4
Total: 16 Credits
- Electives | 2
- CS 250 | Intro to Computer Science II | 4
- BIOL 313 or BIOL 315 or BIOL 317 | 4
- Electives | 8
Total: 16 Credits
Scenario II | Start with Computer Science
First Year Schedule
- MATH 125 | Pre-Calculus | 4
- CS 150 | Intro to Computer Science | 4
- HUM 100 | First Year Seminar | 4
- Core Electives | 4
Total: 16 Credits
- Electives | 2
- MATH 207 | Statistics | 4
- CS 250 | Intro to Computer Science II | 4
- Core Electives | 8
Total: 16 Credits
Second Year Schedule
- CHEM 220 | General Chemistry I | 4
- CS 300 | Data Structures | 4
- MATH 240 | Discrete Math | 4
- Electives | 4
Total: 16 Credits
- Electives | 2
- CHEM 230 | General Chemistry II | 4
- BIOL 200 | 4 OR BIOL 201 | 4
- CS 380 | Algorithm Design and Analysis | 4
- Elective | 4
Total: 16 Credits
Rev 2020