Art Studio Courses

ARTST 121/122/123 Studio I: The Creative Process

Studio I introduces the creative process. We offer multiple sections of 121 every semester and usually offer at least one 122* or 123* section per semester. While all sections introduce the creative process, each section will do so in a different way. The different themes and media are indicated on the Boxer schedule in the section title. Full section descriptions are available through the Art department or the Advising website.

It is recommended that Studio I electives be completed by the end of the sophomore year.

*ARTST 122 Studio II CE is an alternate version of 121 that carries both the Civic Engagement (CE) and Sustainability (SU) designations. 

*ARTST 123 Studio II SU is an alternate version of 221 that carries the Sustainability (SU) designation. 

ARTST 221/222/223 Studio II: Technique

Studio II courses focus on developing technical skills within a specific discipline, such as painting, photography, printmaking, sculpture, or ceramics. The Design Track includes additional elective options from across disciplines that match the hands-on experiential components of the art studio courses in order to provide students with a very broad range of design application options. The different themes and media are indicated on the Boxer schedule in the section title. Full section descriptions are available through the Art department or the Advising website.

Other Studio II electives are outlined on the electives lists in the catalog. It is recommended that Studio II electives be completed by the end of the junior year.

ARTST 222 Studio II: Technique CE is an alternate version of 221 that carries both the Civic Engagement (CE) and Sustainability (SU) designations. 

ARTST 223 Studio II: Technique SU is an alternate version of 221 that carries the Sustainability (SU) designation. 

ARTST 210 Drawing

Drawing is an essential skill that connects mind to body in order to produce a visual representation of ideas that can communicate intent. All art majors are required to take Drawing. Drawing is a foundations option for art minors. 

ARTST 321 Studio III:Concepts  is offered in the spring and may be repeated for credit. It is highly recommended that Studio III be taken at the same time as ARTST 372 Interdisciplinary Seminar 

Please review catalog.pacificu.edu for course descriptions for other Art Studio courses.