
Comparative Religion Minor | Academic Advising Handbook
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A bouquet of flowers with a paper that reads "The best of people are those who bring the most benefit to the rest of mankind."

Comparative Religion is housed in the Sociology, Anthropology and Criminal Justice, Law and Society Department. The department offers the following majors and minors:

  • Major in Sociology
  • Major in Anthropology
  • Major in Criminal Justice, Law, and Society
  • Minor in Sociology
  • Minor in Anthropology
  • Minor in Comparative Religion

Students interested in completing a minor in comparative religion should speak with any faculty member in the department. The Comparative Religion minor must complete the following courses with a grade of “C-” or better and maintain a 2.0 average in the minor.

Four courses from the following cluster (15-16):

  • Mus/Rel 341 Music in World Religions
  • Rel/Anth 140 Introduction to Comparative Religion
  • Rel/Anth 240 Topics in Comparative Religion
  • Phil 309 Philosophy of Religion

One additional course from the following cluster of electives (additional options to satisfy electives by department approval) (4):

  • ANTH/SOC 313 Religious Cultures
  • Rel 110 Religion and the Quest for Meaning
  • Phil 206 Medieval Philosophy
  • Arthi 270 Western Art I
  • Arthi 271 Western Art II

Total credits in minor: 19-20

Rev 2019