
Course Planning for Kinesiology Major

Suggested Kinesiology Major Course Scheduling (4-year students) - see more detail at bottom of page!

First Year

  • KINES 100
  • BIOL 200, BIOL 201, or CHEM 220
  • MATH 125 (if Math I or II placement)

Second Year

  • KINES 200
  • HBIO 230 with lab and HBIO 231 with lab
  • 2 KINES courses (215, 320, 325, 330, 340)

Third Year

  • 3 KINES courses (215, 320, 325, 330, 340)
  • Statistics (MATH 207, 307, or SOC 301)
  • KINES 300 (Spring)

Fourth Year

  • KINES 400 (Fall)
  • KINES 499

Transfer Students and Changing Majors to Kinesiology

To be a “functional” junior-level Kinesiology major, you must have completed the Human A&P sequence and math through Precalculus and Statistics, but this may not be enough to enable one to complete the major in two years. For students with A&P and math prerequisites completed, enrollment in KINES 100 & 200 during the first fall term is strongly preferred, and discussion with departmental faculty to determine if waiver can be provided to enter additional KINES courses (based on previous courses).

Additional Course Suggestions (beyond the Kinesiology Major):

Physical Therapy (check specific school prerequisites)

  • Biology (remainder of 200 & 201 sequence)
  • Chemistry (220 & 230)
  • Physics (202 & 204 or 232 & 242)
  • Psychology
  • Behavioral Aspects of Injury & Rehab (KINES 342)

Occupational Therapy (check specific school prerequisites)

  • Psychology (multiple)
  • Medical Terminology (HBIO 303)

Athletic Training (non-3/2 students, check specific school prerequisites)

  • Physics (one course…PHY 202 or 232)
  • Chemistry (one course…CHEM 220)
  • Care & Prevention of Injuries (KINES 171)
  • Medical Terminology (HBIO 303)

Health & Fitness

  • Fitness Testing & Prescription (KINES 383)
  • Adult Fitness Practicum/Boxer Bootcamp (KINES 473)
  • Health Behavior Change (KINES 311)
  • Nutrition for Optimal Performance (KINES 415)

Physical Education

  • Human Motor Development (KINES 331)
  • Single-subject licensure requirements (see Education department)


  • Intro to Sport Leadership (KINES 265)
  • Mental Skills Training (KINES 241)
  • Human Motor Development (KINES 331)

Course Planning for Kinesiology Major

The following outline can be used to plan a typical four-year Kinesiology degree at 鶹Ӱ.

NOTE: Transfer students (and those students who are entering Pacific with previous credits) should contact an advisor in the Kinesiology department in order to determine appropriate adjustments to the four-year plan.

First Year

  • KINES 100 should be taken at some point this first year (offered both semesters).
  • Either CHEM 220, BIOL 200, or BIOL 201 should be taken in order to gain access to HBIO 230 in the fall of the sophomore year.
  • MATH: M1/M2/M3+ refer to Math placements. M1s must take MATH 122. M2s must take MATH 125. All are required only to take (or have equivalency for) MATH 125 (prerequisite for KINES 320: Biomechanics later in the program). Statistics for the major (which will accomplish the Math core).
  • HPE 190 is recommended for student considering health professions.
  • Fall athletes may earn HPER credit for sports participation.

Second Year

  • KINES 200 should be taken during this year, as it is a prerequisite for several required KINES courses.
  • HBIO 230/231 (Human Anatomy & Physiology) is critical this year. Failing to successfully complete this sequence may delay your graduation!
  • On-pace majors are eligible for: KINES 215; MATH 207 or SOC 301. Taking KINES 330 or 340 may be available for strong, proactive, and enthusiastic students. If interested, students are eligible for KINES 170/171, too.
  • Take your 1st upper division KINES course (KINES 3xx) no later than spring of sophomore year! This generally will be KINES 320, 330, or 340. It's not bad to take the KINES 170/171 (if you decide to take them) and KINES 215; MATH 207 or SOC 301 are great, too.

Third Year

  • If not already completed, students should be in Statistics (MATH 207, SOC 301, or MATH 307).
  • All Kinesiology majors should be eligible for KINES 325 by junior fall and aim to complete it this year. Generally, all should complete KINES 320 and/or KINES 330 this year, if they haven’t already. Be certain to be eligible for KINES 300 next term; the prerequisites are specific and extensive.
  • The critical class is Kinesiology: Evidence (KINES 300), which is offered in the spring term only. Be certain to finish all EXIP 400 (to be taken Fall of senior year) prerequisites by the end of the Spring term too.

Fourth Year

  • The big one now is Advanced Kinesiology (KINES 400).
  • KINES 498 (Capstone: In Progress, not required) should be taken in any term that the student is working on their capstone (but not completing it).
  • KINES 499 (Capstone) should be taken in the term that the Capstone project will be completed (typically the spring semester).
  • Finish capstone work, report your finding on Senior Project Day, complete remaining classes to meet all your various goals.