Advising for Chinese Minor

Chinese Minor Language Head: Lily Tsang

Sample course sequence for a Chinese Minor (no major available) for students who have not studied Chinese before.*

Students are strongly recommended to take Chinese as early as their freshman or sophomore years. Students should consult with their professors in Chinese as early as possible. Note: Chinese 101 is only offered in the fall and all other Chinese courses are offered based on demand. 

  Fall Spring
1st year Chinese 101 (4) Chinese 102 (4)
2nd year Chinese 201 (4) Chinese 202 (4)
3rd/4th year Any upper-division courses in CHIN (4) Any upper-division courses in CHIN (4)
Total 24 credits  

Those who enter with previous study in Chinese may be exempt from a maximum of 8 credits of the minor requirement.  Students entering the sequence at the 300-level in Chinese complete a minimum of 16 credits selected from upper-division offerings. 

Substitutions for some of the credits may be granted with approval or the Department Chair on a case-by-case basis.