Advising for Dual Languages Major

This major is for students interested in studying two (or more) languages as Pacific. We suggest students pursue at least their primary language during their first year at Pacific and begin their second (and third, if desired) language(s) no later than the fall of their second year at Pacific. Note that some languages only offer 101 in the fall, so they should be mindful of this as they enroll.

Study abroad is required in the primary language (usually during junior year). Whenever possible, students are encouraged to study abroad for two semesters--one semester in a country of their primary language, one semester in a country of their secondary language.

A year-long senior thesis is required for students. The student and the faculty member supervising the thesis should agree upon the language in which the student will write the thesis.Ideally, the thesis would incorporate both languages and/or cultures studied.

  Fall Spring
1st year Primary Language 101 (4) Primary Language 102 (4)
2nd year

Primary Language 201 (4)

Secondary Language 101 (4)

Primary Language 202 (4)

Secondary Language 102 (4)

3rd year

Secondary Language 201 (4)

Study Abroad (primary 8-12)

Secondary Language 202 (4)

Study Abroad * (secondary 8-12)

4th year

Primary Language 300/400 (4)

WORL 325 (2) or 365 (4)

WORL 401 Thesis ** (2)

Secondary Language 300/400 (4)

WORL 402 Thesis (2)

Total 58-60 Credits  

* Whenever possible, students are encouraged to study abroad for two semesters--one semester in a country of their primary language, one semester in a country of their secondary language. This is not a requirement, however.

**A year-long senior thesis is required.The student and the faculty member supervising the thesis should agree upon the language in which the student will write the thesis.Ideally, the thesis would incorporate both languages and/or cultures studied.

REV 2020