Sample 4-year schedule for BA student
Students pursuing a public health major over four years have some flexibility in scheduling. The following outline is intended as a guide and lists only courses for the major. Students must, of course, take courses to fulfill all college and core requirements. Please note the additional required CHEM 220 and 230 courses for the BS and include them in the freshmen or sophomore year. Ethics (PHIL 202 or PHIL 307) can be taken at any point, as long as pre-requisites are met.
First year
- BIOL 200 Intro to Biology: Flow of Energy and/or BIOL 201 Intro to Biology: Flow of Information
- PH 101 Public Health (fall or spring)
- If Math Level I: Math 122 (pre-requisite for statistics)
For students pursuing the BS, requirements include:
- CHEM 220 (for BS only)
- CHEM 230 (for BS only)
Sophomore year
- SOC 301 Social Statistics or MATH 207 General Elementary Statistics (fall or spring)
- PH 200 Epidemiology (fall or spring)
- One or more elective(s)
Junior year
- PH 352 Program Development and Evaluation (fall or spring)
- PH 310 Social Foundations of Population Health
- PH 370 Pre-Field Experience Seminar (fall or spring, must be taken the semester before PH 380 Field Experience)
- PH 380 Field Experience Seminar (spring of junior year or fall of senior year)
- Electives
Senior year
- PH 380 Public Health Field Experience (fall of senior, if not taken spring of junior year)
- Capstone I (fall) and II (spring)
- Electives
Sample 2-year schedule for BA student
The courses that transfer students need to take in order to complete the public health major in 2 years will depend upon each student’s previous coursework. Typically, transfer students will transfer in some lower-division coursework. (This schedule assumes that a student has completed biology and statistics courses prior to the junior year). If pursuing the BS, please also complete CHEM 220 and 230 as soon as possible.
Junior year
- PH 101 Public Health 101 (fall)
- PH 200 Epidemiology (fall or spring)
- PH 310 Social Foundations of Population Health
- PH 352 Program Development and Evaluation (spring)
- PH 370 Pre-Field Experience Seminar (spring)
- One or more Public Health electives
Senior year
- PH 380 Public Health Field Experience (fall)
- Capstone I (fall) and II (spring)
- Ethics (PHIL 202 or 307)
- Additional Public Health electives