- Identify and establish essential functions, abilities, skills, and knowledge of their courses and evaluate students on this basis. Students with disabilities should meet the same course expectations as their peers.
- Use a syllabus disability statement and class announcements to invite students to disclose their needs.
- Upon getting a student's accommodation letter please contact OAA if you have any questions. Consult with the student and OAA regarding any questions for providing their approved accommodations.
- If a student needs alternative media, please provide OAA course materials in a timely manner. For example, alternative media may include enlarged font, screen-readable documents, and braille.
- Work to ensure that all audio-visual materials used in class are accessible. For example, please provide captioned videos, auditory descriptions, and written transcriptions.
- Consider incorporating principles of Universal Design for Learning in your teaching.
- Clearly communicate your testing procedures with the student and with OAA (exam length, allowed materials such as calculator/notes/note card, etc). All exam related information can be provided to OAA via Accommodate.
Please Note: Faculty do NOT have the right to ask students if they have a disability. For those students with documented disabilities, faculty do NOT have the right to ask about the nature of the disability. However, if students choose to disclose their disability, this information should be treated confidentially.