Students Have The Right To:
- Expect all disability-related information to be treated confidentially
- Receive approved accommodations in a timely manner from faculty or OAA. Students should have the opportunity to meet privately with faculty to discuss needed accommodations and any other concerns. Please keep in mind that OAA Services is the only office designated to review disability documentation and determine eligibility for appropriate accommodations based on the diagnosis and recommendations received from your service provider.
Students Have The Responsibility To:
- Provide OAA with appropriate (pdf)
- Go to the instructor's office hours or make an appointment with the instructor to facilitate privacy when discussing use of their approved accommodations
- Initiate discussion regarding use of specific, approved accommodations in a timely manner, preferably early in the semester.
- Follow procedures with faculty and OAA when using accommodations (ie: Submit your exam booking request via your student accommodate portal at least 5 days prior to the exam).
- Inform OAA of the materials you need in alternate format as soon as possible (ie. eText, enlarged font)
- Notify OAA immediately when an approved accommodation is not being provided completely or correctly
- Notify OAA immediately when a decision has been made to not use an approved accommodation or the accommodation is no longer needed
- Provide for their own personal independent living needs or other personal disability-related needs. For example, coordinating services of personal care attendants or acquiring homework/tutoring assistance are student responsibilities and are not the responsibilities of OAA.
- Act as your own advocate. Work with counselors or OAA on developing advocacy skills and communicating your specific needs and accommodations to faculty.
- Follow up with OAA staff as questions or concerns arise about services, procedures, timelines, or responsibilities.
This document is cited from The Ohio State University Partnership Grant, Improving the Quality of Education for Students with Disabilities