Become an FYC Mentor

The Mentor's Role:

Each FYC section is supported with a student mentor who works with the faculty member teaching that class. Mentors are given responsibility of leading class instruction on college life skills as well as organizing several co-curricular events related to FYC.  To help prepare mentors for these responsibilities and to develop their leadership skills, they meet weekly with the FYC Director.   Mentors are also integral during Orientation; hence they return to campus prior to classes beginning.  Mentors receive four credits on a pass/no pass basis; HUM 300 does not count for the core Humanities but can be applied towards general elective credits needed for graduation.

Mentors should be innovative, dynamic and flexible students to help create a stimulating first-year program.

Qualification Required of Applicants for Mentor Positions:

  • Minimum G.P.A. of 3.0.
  • Maximum course load of 17.5 hours during semester as mentor.
  • Articulate understanding of first year transition to college.
  • Superior organizational, time-management and communication skills.
  • Clear ability to work cooperatively with both faculty and students.

Mentor Responsibilities:

  • Attend, participate in and complete all readings for assigned section of HUM 102 and its co-curricular activities.
  • Work with faculty in designing in-class and co-curricular activities. 
  • Provide direct academic support to first-year students, particularly related to college life skills.
  • Provide personal support to first-year students in transition to college.
  • Actively participate in first-year orientation planning and activities.
  • Meet one hour each week for HUM 300: Mentoring in the Humanities.

Description of HUM 300: Mentoring in the Humanities:

Each student serves as a mentor in one section of Humanities 102, the required First-Year Communities course. Mentors attend all Hum 102 classes and co-curricular events and complete all of the readings. They do not take exams, write papers or participate in the evaluation of students in HUM 102. The mentor acts as a peer in helping first-year students make the transition from high school to college. They hold study sessions and help students with note taking, writing assignments and the development of proper study skills. They work closely with faculty to mentor well in their section of Hum 102. They meet with the First-Year Communities Program Director one hour each week to review their work and to discuss pedagogical issues associated with teaching the Humanities. Mentors are selected by an application process in the spring. 4 credits


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Brent Johnson