I would like to send Dolton MaGinty to another planet. So he could take his Health tax with him.
Bryan Rogers - Cambridge

Our curiosity Is overpowering at times and exploring new things can be rewarding.Could we send a few polatitions first? The answers about new lifeforms would be Interesting. Hopefully the envionment would be to there likeing?

Send astronauts to other planets.....WHY???? so we can mess up & ruin another planet. Maybe the money could be better spent cleaning this world.
Michael Doyon

Why send astronauts to another planet? Why do we climb Mt. Everest? Because it's there! I say, go for it!
Marty Koven - Willowdale, Ont.

Personally, I think space exploration of any kind is a waste of money and damaging to the environment. I don't see the point in spending billions and trillions of dollars exploring and eventually destroying space and other planets when we can't even take care of our own planet!
Kevin - Roslin, ON

Should we send astronauts to other planets?

Yes 53% No 47%

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