I feel that life is filled with many kinds of terrorists. Vehicles seem to be my worst terrorist. They kill and will continue to kill. So I will say to speeders, drunk drivers and people who don't pay attention to what they are doing to look out for the victims!!!
Suzette Lapointe

If Canada had been invaded by the US would we not resist somehow? Well, maybe that's not a good example because we haven't shown any backbone to the US so far: NAFTA, madcow, softwood lumber, water, gas. But seriously, how can we expect that terrorism is going to subside when a country has been invaded, humiliated, devastated and dominated? Ghandi rose up against those same conditions, was Ghandi a terrorist???
Rick, Barrie

I don't feel any safer. In fact, I feel that the war in both Afghanistan and Iraq have made these 'terrorists' more determined than they were before 9/11 to wreak havoc on the western world. I think we will see more frequent, possibly smaller attacks in the coming years and I think we'll see them in more countries. I have no desire to travel anywhere, including large cities within Canada in part because of the possibility of terrorist attacks. The western world seems determined to 'force' their morals, values, and beliefs on countries such as Afghanistand and Iraq and I think this is a big part of the problem. Leave them alone to live their own lives, whether we agree with the way they live or not!
JB - Quinte

Canada is no safer since 9/11. I travel the subway daily in Toronto. I have yet to see a uniformed armed police officer anywhere in the system. Occasionally one sees a couple of transit special constables armed to the teeth with pepper spray. Canada is a smorgasbord of opportunity for terrorists. Our Immigration system sucks and I have no confidence in CSIS or the bungling RCMP. But then these organizations accurately represent our apathetic and smugly unaware population.

Do you feel safer, six years after the 9/11 terrorist attacks?

Yes 28% No 72%

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