The U.S. president-elect doesn't like it when actors criticize him, so he used Twitter to vent his frustration following the Golden Globes.

Donald Trump lashed out at Meryl Streep on Twitter Monday morning, after the actress condemned him in her acceptance speech at the Golden Globes awards show the night before. Streep took issue with Trump's behaviour at a rally during the 2015 primary campaign, at which he appeared to imitate a disabled reporter from The New York Times.

"It kind of broke my heart when I saw it," Streep said at the Globes, in a speech after winning a lifetime achievement award.

"When the powerful use their position to bully others, we all lose," she said, adding: "Disrespect invites disrespect."

Streep's words clearly got under Trump's skin.

"Meryl Streep, one of the most over-rated actresses in Hollywood, doesn't know me but attacked last night at the Golden Globes," he .  "She is a Hillary flunky who lost big."

Trump that he "never 'mocked' a disabled reporter (would never do that) but simply showed him 'groveling' when he totally changed a 16-year-old story that he had written in order to make me look bad."

The writer, Serge Kovaleski, has a congenital condition which causes him to hold one hand up against his upper chest and move in a jerky way. Trump appeared to imitate him at a rally in North Carolina in November, 2015, saying: "Now the poor guy, you've got to see this guy, he's going ahhhhh, I don't know what I said, ahhhh…. I don't remember!" Trump waved his hands and pretended to convulse while speaking. And while Trump claims he was not mocking the reporter's disability, he has never pretended to "grovel" like that in any other context.

The "over-rated" Streep has won four Oscars and eight Golden Globes (plus her 2017 Cecil B. DeMille Award), and has been nominated for a total of 19 Oscars and 30 Golden Globes.

Donald Trump has been nominated twice for the Primetime Emmys, as a producer on "The Apprentice."

Trump's attack on Streep is only the latest in a long string of Twitter tirades against the likes of other Hollywood celebrities. On Friday, for instance, he taunted Arnold Schwarzenegger for the ratings he received on "The Apprentice," which Schwarzenegger took over from Trump. "So much for being a movie star," Trump tweeted on Friday.