In the aftermath of one of the deadliest episodes on European soil in over a decade, details continue to emerge about the catastrophic terror attacks in France’s capital city.

Paris was wracked by a series of shootings and explosions on Friday night, killing at least 129 people and injuring a further 352 -- 99 of whom were in critical condition late Saturday.

While ISIS has claimed responsibility for the attack, which French officials say was carried out by three teams of extremists. The identities of the perpetrators and their motives remain unclear.

Here's a look at what we know so far about the attacks:

What we know about the attacks:

  • In total, the extremists launched six gun and bomb attacks on civilian targets in the French capital on Friday.
  • Three suicide bombs targeted spots in and around the Stade de France stadium, in the city's north end, where France and Germany were playing a . The nearly 80,000 fans, French President Francois Hollande among them, heard the sound of explosion, but the game continued.
  • The Wall Street Journal that at least one of the attackers had a ticket to the game and attempted to enter the stadium. A security guard told the paper that the attacker who tried to enter the stadium was found to be wearing an explosives vest. The attacker then detonated the vest after attempting to back away from security. Police said he was trying to start a deadly stampede.
  • Soon after, a second person blew himself up outside the stadium, and a third suicide bomber detonated explosives at a nearby McDonald's.
  • Around the same time, attackers went on a shooting spree at a string of crowded cafes in a trendy Paris neighbourhood.
  • The attackers then seized the Bataclan concert hall where the U.S. band Eagles of Death Metal was performing. They opened fire on the panicked audience and more than 100 people were taken hostage. Police later stormed the theatre and three attackers detonated explosive belts, killing themselves.
  • Another suicide bomb was detonated on the Boulevard Voltaire, near the theatre.

Locations of the attacks:

What we know about the victims:

  • At least 129 people were killed, a majority of whom died in the Bataclan concert hall. Paris prosecutor Francois Molins said at a press conference on Saturday that 89 people died in the attack. Another 352 people were injured, 99 of them critically.
  • It is the worst terrorist attack in Europe since 191 people were killed and 1,800 injured during the 2004 bombings of commuter trains in Madrid, Spain.
  • There have been few details about the victims of the attacks; however, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said Friday night that there was no information on any Canadians being killed.
  • American Nohemi Gonzalez, 23, has been identified as one of the victims. A junior at California State University, Gonzalez was attending Strate College of Design as part of a semester abroad program.
  • Frenchman Valentin Ribet, is also among the dead. The 26-year-old criminal lawyer was reportedly attending the concert at the Bataclan.
  • Three other Frenchmen were killed at the Bataclan: Thomas Ayad, 32 a producer-manager for Mercury Music Group; Mathieu Hoche, 38, a technician at France24 news channel; and Guillaume Decherf, a music journalist for the French culture magazine Les Inrocks.
  • British citizen Nick Alexander was also among the dead at the theatre, according to his family.
  • Spanish media have also that Alberta Gonzalez Garrido, 29, died at the concert. Gonzalez Garrido, an engineer, was living in France with his wife. They were reportedly both at the concert but became separated in the chaos of the attack.

What we know about the suspects:

  • There were as many as eight attackers involved in the incident. None survived, and seven died in suicide bombings, a new terror tactic in France.
  • Paris prosecutor Francois Molins said one of the attackers involved in the hostage-taking at the Bataclan was identified as a young Frenchman after his fingerprints were analyzed. The man is said to be 29-years-old and had previously faced eight accusations for crimes between 2004 and 2010 but was never incarcerated.
  • In addition, French officials said a Syrian passport was found around the body of one of the suicide bombers near the Stade de France. The passport was linked to a man who entered the European Union through the Greek island of Leros last month.
  • The French newspaper Liberation also that an Egyptian passport was found near the scene.
  • Authorities in Belgium conducted raids in Brussels on Saturday and made three arrests connected to the Paris attacks.
  • The arrests reportedly came after a car with Belgian licence plates was spotted near the Bataclan theatre.
  • Molins said that all of the attackers used Kalashnikov assault rifles and wore identical explosive vests, with the same batteries and detonator.
  • The New York Times also that police in Germany were probing whether a man arrested last week with weapons in his car and his GPS navigator charted for Paris could be connected to the attacks.

What are the possible motives?

  • In a statement circulated online, ISIS has claimed responsibly for the attack. However, its authenticity has yet to be verified.
  • Hollande said that France would increase its military efforts to crush the extremist group in response. While U.S. President Barack Obama issued a saying that it had "no information to contradict the initial French assessment of (ISIS') responsibility."
  • ISIS' statement says that it targeted Paris because it is the "capital of prostitution and vice" and condemned the country's airstrikes in Syria, which began less than two months ago.
  • The attacks in Paris come less than a week after the French air force attacked an oil distribution centre in Syria controlled by ISIS.
  • France joined the U.S.-led coalition in Syria last year and expanded its campaign to include Syria in late September.
  • Holland also announced earlier this month that France was set to deploy an aircraft carrier to the Persian Gulf. The vessel will boost the coalition's airpower. The country already has 12 fighter jets stationed in the United Arab Emirates and Jordan.

What is Paris like today:

  • The French capital is under a heavy police presence and some 3,000 troops have been deployed as Hollande raised the nation's security to its highest level.
  • Many of the city's top tourist attractions and events throughout the city have been shut down. The Eiffel Tower, the Louvre Museum and Disneyland are closed, as well as movie theatres and department stores.
  • France's state of emergency will last for 12 days, and parliament can vote to extend it, if need be.
  • The majority of flights to and from Paris have not been affected, but stricter security checks have been put into place at all airports, train stations and ferry terminals.
  • All public demonstrations – a constitutional right in France – have also been banned until Thursday.
  • Schools and universities will reopen Monday with "exceptional" security measures in place. School trips are cancelled until at least Sunday.
  • Local governments also have the option to impose nightly curfews.
  • France is set to go ahead with plans to host the Paris Climate Change Conference Nov. 30.