Below is a statement by Sheila Macdonald, Ontario Network for Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Treatment Centres, in reaction to W5's story airing February 13.


In Ontario, there are 37 hospital based Sexual Assault/Domestic Violence Treatment Centres that provide acute health and forensic services to victims of sexual assault and/or domestic violence. These Centres serve catchment areas, as not every hospital emergency department (ED) has a SA/DVTC program. However all 37 programs provide support to their surrounding ED’s when a victim/survivor presents to the hospital. How the SA/DVTC supports the ED depends on geographical distance and local resources. For example, the SA/DVTC program in Toronto is based at Women’s College Hospital and the team is mobile to the 7 emergency departments in Toronto. Similar program models exist in London, Trenton and Hamilton. Where geographical distance is too far for transfer, the SA/DVTC will provide phone support and guidance to the local ED for health and forensic care. For example, Sudbury will provide this kind of support to Timmins and Kapuskasing. An online training module is available for all ED staff .

Many hospital emergency departments in Ontario do have access to a SAEK – usually provided by the police service or through the Centre of Forensic Sciences when requested.