We all know about Facebook and MySpace. But now social networking on the web just got a little more sophisticated. There are new sites that respond to the needs of special interest groups; from pet lovers to philosophers. Tech Expert Kris Abel tells us more.

Bakespace.com ()

  • It's a "MySpace" for those who live to cook.
  • You can exchange recipes, get baking tips, and create your own virtual kitchen.
  • It's exactly like "Myspace" in terms of functionality, such as instant messaging and blogging. In this case you are in a virtual kitchen and exchange recipes with others. For example, you can find someone online who has expertise dealing with lemon zest or even how to tackle cake design.

Fuzzster com. ()

  • It's for pets and their owners.
  • Here you can create a profile for your pet, upload photos and videos of their adventures, and relate stories and tales of their lives.
  • This site caters to all things furry or not so furry; from dogs to snakes.
  • Pet owners can also set up blogs on behalf of their pets and recount daily activities.

Sciencehack.com ()

  • It's a "YouTube" for science-related videos.
  • Based in Halifax, the site is devoted to fun, educational videos of science experiments and lessons.
  • A team of scientists review the videos for legitimacy before posting online.
  • Some examples of videos include "how ballet slippers are made" to demonstrating the explosive results of dropping a Gummy Bear in molten potassium chlorate.
  • It covers physics, biology, space, green energy, and math.

Fora.tv ()

  • It's the YouTube for intellectual discussion and discourse.
  • Institutions, educational establishments, as well as anyone with a camcorder can upload footage of a debate, talk, or presentation on philosophy, science, business, etc.
  • YouTube can often post mind-numbing videos For example, pandas sneezing. This site prompts discussion of topics on political, social and cultural issues. Some examples: Will China democratize? Why Can't We Be Good?
  • Speeches from high-profile people posted include the founder of Wikipedia and UN head Ban Ki-moon

Teachertube.com ()

  • TeacherTube.com is a "YouTube" for educators, students, and school librarians.
  • Individual teachers or schools can create their own channel and upload videos of lessons, class projects, school events, etc.
  • Kids can show off their artwork and science projects and teachers can put their favorite lessons online for the world to view
  • Some lessons available: Mrs. Burke rapping about "perimeters" and "probability," the causes of World War I and "Pepe and Petunia Pug Learn the Prepositions."