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Sensitivity Specificity Sensitivity=Tis portion of true condition positives that were identified as positive by the trial Specificity=Tis portion of true condition negatives that were identified as negative by the trialPositive Pred. Value=POf those identified by the trial as Positive, this is the portion that really isNegative Pred. Value=POf those identified by the trial as Negative, this is the portion that really isTest Accuracy in % =HThe trial Results were correct for this percentage of the total subjectsPositive Likelihood Ratio=QIf you have the condition, how much more likely are you to have a + trial result?Negative Likelihood Ratio=WIf you don't have the condition, how much more likely are you to have a - trial result? Enter PreTest Probability here->(In decimal format)!Positive Post-Test Probability% =PThe Probability that a SPECIFICITY trial result will RULE IN a condition( SP in) Negative Post-Test Probability%=WThe probability that a SENSITIVE negative trial result will RULE OUT a condition(SNout)EVENT Non-EVENT TREATMENTFill in the red numbered boxesCONTROL$Control Event rate = CER =Control Event/Total control =%Exper. Event rate = EER = Treatment Event/Total treatment= |EER - CER| = |ARR/CER| =1/ARR =IEER is the rate that an event occurs in the Experimental treatment group. Back to Index Totals^CER is the rate that an event occurs in the control group without the Experimental treatment.Mean of TreatmentA=Mean of TreatmentB= Standard Dev of A= Standard Dev of B= # of subjects in Treat A # of subjects in Treat B Physical Therapy School of Fill in the information inthe red boxes. The Back to Index, Statistics use in Evidence Based Practice Ken Bush, PhD, P.T. TOU95% CI for NNT is the range in which the NNT would expect to be found 95% of the time/Use with PROSPECTIVE STUDIES (Cohort or RCT's) 6Use with RETROSPECTIVE STUDIES or CASE CONTROL studies Effect SizePercentile StandingPercent of NonoverlapLARGEMEDIUMSMALLKEffect size is the number of standard deviations one score is above anotherFAnything over .8 is considered to be a large effect. See table below:'For Interpretation of this table, goto:Xhttp://web.uccs.edu/lbecker/Psy590/es.htm#1.%20Standardized%20difference%20between%20two'This table is from WEB.UCCS.edu/lbeckertClick here for Statistics on Therapy where data is score data: Effect Size, Mean difference, Confidence Intervals>http://www.cemcentre.org/ebeuk/research/effectsize/default.htmOr:Mean difference = Pooled sd =SD= Mean Difference = effect size and CI will ( <10)? )Q * Note: This effect size is calculated from the means and standard deviationsFof two independent means. Repeated measures effect size calculationsEor effect sizes based upon other data will require other calculators.#Other calculations may be found at:Lhttp://www.work-learning.com/white_papers/effect_sizes/Effect_Sizes_pdf5.pdfEffect Size(Between) =Effect size (Within) =If data is repeated measures,+Treatment A should be the before treatment.RR =EER/CER= Odds Ratio = (a/b)/(c/d)=WARR is the amount that risk decreases from the control group to the experimental group. Big ARR = Effective Rx aRelative Risk(RR) is a measure of the association between the presence or absence of an event and! presence or absence of exposure.TOdds ratio is how much more likely an event is in the treatment group as compared tothe non-treatment groupbRRR is the amount that the risk would decrease in the general population if all got the treatment.$if we continued to repeat the study.e OR>1 indicates increase in event, given treatment. OR<1 indicates decreased event given treatment.Click here for Statistics on THERAPY where data is categorical: ARR, RRR, NNT, Confidence Intervals, Odds Ratios or Relative RiskQNNT is the number that must be treated to have one additional successful outcome.qIf the likelihood of the event in the general population is less than 1%, the Odds ratio is approx = to the RR. mClick here for Statistics on DIAGNOSIS: Sensitivity, Specificity, +/-Predictive Values, Likelihood Ratios.Pos LR=Neg LR = ORK Enter Sensitivity, specificity and PreTest probability (IN RED) below: Sensitivity(in decimal) = Specificity (in decimal)= Avge sd=Mean 95%Confidence IntervalNNT or NNH(if -)=  ARR(or ARI if -) or ABI =  RRR(or RRI if -) or RBI =  1 (Use to compare findings of different studies) (Wald Method) 95% Confidence interval:LowerUpper Confidence Interval TO,to the left. 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