A slip of the tongue by Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott thrust the nation of "Canadia" into the social media spotlight ahead of his meeting with Prime Minister Stephen Harper in Ottawa.

Abbott made the flub during a press conference at the Canadian War Museum on Sunday.

While responding to a question about Harper's condemnation of Russian President Vladimir Putin, the following: "They're very forthright remarks. And I think that they're perfectly appropriate remarks for the Canadian prime minister to make. Canadia, Canada probably has more involvement in the affairs of Europe than Australia often does…"

Despite Abbott's split-second correction, Australians were unforgiving on social media. It wasn't long before jokes about Abbott and #Canadia were trending on Twitter.

Back home, Abbott is known for making public gaffes – a point some Australians were quick to make by likening him to former U.S. President George W. Bush and Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin, both no strangers to misspeaking.

Abbott was recently the target of a segment on the HBO comedy program "Last Week Tonight with John Oliver."

In the four minute sketch, Oliver runs through several of Abbott's public blunders, including an awkward moment when the Australian leader warned that "no one, however smart… is the suppository of all wisdom."

Warning: Video contains foul language.

Abbott was scheduled to meet with Harper in Ottawa Monday morning.