The Liberals still score higher than the other parties on the but the Liberal score has slid for the third week in succession.

Previously they had a score 11 points higher than the other parties and now it is 7 points higher.

The Liberals received a score of 58.8 points followed by the Conservatives at 52.3 points, the NDP at 49.0 points, the Green Party at 31.6 points and the BQ at 25.1 points (in Quebec only).

Weekly tracking on the preferred prime minister front was unchanged. Asked who they would prefer as prime minister, Liberal Leader Trudeau was first at 35 per cent followed by Conservative Leader Stephen Harper at 30 per cent, NDP Leader Thomas Mulcair at 18 per cent and Green Leader Elizabeth May at four per cent.

Asked if they would consider or not consider voting for each of the federal parties (in a series of independent questions), 58.5 per cent of Canadians said they would consider voting Liberal while 44.4 per cent would consider voting NDP, 42.5 per cent would consider voting Conservative, 26.7 per cent would consider voting for the Green Party and 25.3 per cent would consider voting for the BQ (Quebec only).
