Honorables Sénatrices et Sénateurs,
Mesdames et Messieurs les Députés,
Mesdames et Messieurs,
Je vous prie de commencer par un moment de silence pour rendre hommage à ceux et celles qui ont perdu la vie à Lac-Mégantic.
I come before you today as one proud Canadian among a vast nation of these, sincere in congratulation on this opening day of the Second Session of the Forty-first Parliament of Canada. I bear the happy wishes and deep affection of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Queen of Canada, whose family has this year been blessed with the birth of Prince George.
Parliamentarians, you gather today with the high confidence and higher expectation of Canadians. Remember that our nation has embraced a unique set of indelible qualities that must guide your deliberations in this Parliament.
Nous sommes inclusifs. Nous sommes 35 millions de personnes provenant de tous les coins de la planète. Nous saluons la contribution de tous les habitants du pays 鈥 du plus ancien au plus récent. Nous célébrons cette année le 250e anniversaire de la Proclamation royale. Ce document extraordinaire fait partie des fondements juridiques de notre pays. Il a reconnu pour la première fois les droits des peuples autochtones au Canada et a jeté les bases de leurs relations avec la Couronne.
Consider this: we are honourable. People of peace, we use our military power sparingly; but when we do so we do so with full conviction, gathering our forces as men and women who believe that the freedoms we enjoy cannot be taken from us. This clarity focuses our might in terrible times. And wherever and whenever we unleash that might, we raise our grateful voices and our prayers to honour those who have stood in harm鈥檚 way for us.
Consider this: we are selfless. Our survival has been sustained by humility and acceptance of our mutual interdependence. Giving lies in our very nature, certain in our hearts that none but the gift passed from an open hand will multiply as those we help better themselves, those they love and, at length, the country they call home.
Nous sommes avertis. Nous déplorons la complaisance, aspirant plutôt à l鈥檃utoamélioration. Nous aimons apprendre et nous chérissons notre droit à l鈥éducation. Nous sommes unis, prospères et libres, justement parce que nous garantissons aux Canadiens et Canadiennes la chance d鈥檃pprendre, d鈥檈xceller, de progresser et, ainsi, de contribuer.
Consider this: we are caring. Our abiding concern for the common good of our neighbours鈥攊n each community鈥攎akes us responsive. We do not abandon our fellows to scrape by in times of distress or natural disaster. Inspired by our common bond, we come swiftly and resiliently to the aid of those in need.
Today, as we contemplate our 150th anniversary, the eyes and ears and expectations of Canadians turn toward this Parliament, in trust that those who stand here in their place will relentlessly advance and uphold ideas that are inclusive, honourable, selfless, smart and caring at every turn without fail.
Let us not disappoint. And with that spirit and direction, let us turn now to the present.
Il y a deux ans et demi, les Canadiens et Canadiennes ont confié à notre gouvernement un mandat clair : le mandat de protéger les emplois et l鈥économie; le mandat de maintenir les impôts bas; le mandat d鈥檃ssurer la sécurité de nos familles et de nos communautés.
Malgré l鈥檌ncertitude et l鈥檌nstabilité qui règnent toujours au-delà de nos frontières, notre gouvernement continue de concentrer ses efforts sur ces priorités. Nous avons fait des choix difficiles; nous avons fait les bons choix pour les familles canadiennes. Les résultats sont sans équivoque : le nombre de Canadiens et Canadiennes occupant un bon emploi est plus élevé que jamais; les familles paient des impôts plus bas qu鈥檃uparavant; et nos finances sont en ordre.
As the world looks to recovery, a rare opportunity now lies before us as Canadians: the opportunity to build on our ingenuity, our immense natural wealth, and our values and stability; the opportunity to secure the future, for our generation, and our children鈥檚 generation. It is the opportunity to lead the world in security and prosperity鈥攏ot for the sake of doing so, but so that Canadian families who work hard, pay their taxes and play by the rules can get ahead.
This is Canada鈥檚 moment; together we will seize it.
And as we do, we draw inspiration from our founders, leaders of courage and audacity. Nearly 150 years ago, they looked beyond narrow self-interest. They faced down incredible challenges鈥攇eographic, military, and economic. They were undaunted. They dared to seize the moment that history offered. Pioneers, then few in number, reached across a vast continent. They forged an independent country where none would have otherwise existed.
In the words of Thomas D鈥橝rcy McGee:
鈥淚 see in the not remote distance one great nationality bound, like the shield of Achilles, by the blue rim of ocean. I see it quartered into many communities, each disposing of its internal affairs, but all bound together by free institutions...鈥
With hard work, sacrifice and common sense, those Canadian men and women built this country. In so doing, they founded a constitutional democracy, among the most enduring history has known. As we look to the 150th anniversary of our Confederation, we are reminded that ours is a rich inheritance: a legacy of freedom; the birthright of all humanity and the courage to uphold it; the rule of law, and the institutions to protect it; respect for human dignity and diversity.
Guidés par ces valeurs, nous, Canadiens et Canadiennes 鈥 Autochtones, français, anglais et gens des quatre coins du monde 鈥, nous concertons nos efforts pour nos familles, pour un avenir meilleur. Voici venue l鈥檃ube d鈥檜n moment unique pour le Canada.
Comme nos fondateurs avant nous, nous devons oser.
Nous devons saisir ce moment pour assurer la prospérité des Canadiens et Canadiennes d鈥檃ujourd鈥檋ui et de ceux des générations à venir.
1. Creating Jobs and Opportunities for Canadians
Balanced Budgets and Reducing the Cost of Government
Notre gouvernement a et aura toujours pour priorité absolue de créer des emplois et de stimuler la croissance économique.
When disaster struck the world economy, our Government鈥檚 decisive and pragmatic leadership navigated Canada through the worst global recession in a generation.
Even before the recession hit, our Government was prepared. It maintained budget surpluses and paid down billions from the national debt. It lowered taxes for Canadians and job-creating businesses.
During the downturn, our Government鈥檚 Economic Action Plan took the steps necessary to safeguard our economy. It protected Canadian jobs. It invested in infrastructure and productivity. And it controlled spending, while maintaining growing transfers that support health care, education and retirement.
In spite of continuing risks from beyond our shores, our Government is leading the world by example. It secured the commitment of the world鈥檚 largest economies to put in place credible plans to achieve financial sustainability. And it set clear targets to bring our own deficit down. Canada now leads the G-7鈥攊n job creation; in income growth; and in keeping debt levels low.
Canada is now among only a few countries in the world with a triple-A credit rating.
En prenant des mesures décisives, le Canada est demeuré fort là où d鈥檃utres ont été ébranlés. Nous ne pouvons toutefois pas faire preuve de complaisance. D鈥檌mportants risques découlant de facteurs qui échappent à notre contrôle pèsent toujours sur l鈥économie mondiale. Nous devons garder le cap. La saine gestion demeure le guide de notre gouvernement.
Les familles canadiennes savent qu鈥檈lles ne peuvent prospérer en dépensant continuellement plus d鈥檃rgent qu鈥檈lles n鈥檈n gagnent. Il en va de même pour notre gouvernement.
- Le déficit de l鈥檃nnée dernière a été moins élevé que prévu. Notre gouvernement équilibrera le budget d鈥檌ci 2015.
- Il ira même plus loin. Notre gouvernement enchâssera dans la loi la démarche qu鈥檌l a entreprise avec prudence et succès. Notre gouvernement déposera un projet de loi sur l鈥équilibre budgétaire. Celui-ci exigera l鈥檃doption de budgets équilibrés en temps normal et fixera un calendrier précis pour le retour à l鈥équilibre budgétaire en cas de crise économique.
- Notre gouvernement a déjà fixé une cible ambitieuse : atteindre un ratio de la dette au PIB de 25 pour cent d鈥檌ci 2021. Et il réduira ce ratio aux niveaux d鈥檃vant la récession d鈥檌ci 2017.
Just as our Government manages debt, so too is it tackling spending. Every day, Canadian families make tough choices about how to spend their hard-earned money. Guided by this example, our Government will continue reducing the size and cost of Government to ensure that taxpayers get value for money.
- Notre gouvernement gèlera son budget global de fonctionnement, ce qui aura pour effet de continuer à restreindre l鈥檈mbauche de fonctionnaires.
- Notre gouvernement continuera de réduire de façon ciblée ses propres dépenses internes.
- Notre gouvernement réformera la façon dont le fédéral gère les dépenses.
- Our Government will review federal assets; when it is in the best interest of Canadians, they will be sold.
- Our Government recognizes the value of a lean, competent and committed public service. Public Service pay and benefit levels will be reasonable, responsible, and in the public interest.
- Our Government has already reformed federal government pension plans, to ensure that parliamentarians and public servants pay their fair share. It will reform disability and sick-day entitlements and work with employees to get them back to work as soon as possible.
- Our Government will amend the Public Service Labour Relations Act to ensure that the Public Service is affordable, modern and high-performing.
- Our Government will increase performance accountability in the Public Service to provide better service to Canadians, at a reduced cost, and to better recognize dedicated and effective employees.
- And we will make government more efficient and responsive to Canadians 鈥 by, for example, moving from 63 different email systems to one.
Jobs for Canadians
Les Canadiens et Canadiennes veulent des emplois stables et payants. Notre pays a besoin de Canadiens et Canadiennes au travail.
Ils savent que ce sont les entreprises qui créent des emplois. C鈥檈st pourquoi notre gouvernement a réduit le fardeau fiscal et diminué la paperasserie.
Le Canada affiche désormais le meilleur bilan des pays du G-7 en matière de création d鈥檈mplois; en effet, un million de nouveaux emplois nets ont été créés depuis le creux de la récession. Ces emplois sont en grande partie des emplois à temps plein et bien payés dans le secteur privé.
Mais notre gouvernement ne s鈥檃rrête pas ici.
Canada has one of the best-educated workforces in the world. But there are too many people without jobs and too many jobs without people.
- To address this job creation gap, our Government is implementing the Canada Job Grant. It will increase employment by ensuring Canadians are able to fill job vacancies.
- Our Government will take further steps to see that those traditionally under-represented in the workforce, including people with disabilities, youth, and Aboriginal Canadians, find the job-training they need.
- Notre gouvernement travaillera avec les provinces et les territoires à l鈥élaboration de nouvelles ententes relatives au marché du travail afin de jumeler plus efficacement les Canadiens et Canadiennes ayant un handicap aux employeurs et aux emplois en demande.
- Canada鈥檚 youth unemployment rate is already much lower than many advanced countries. But it remains too high. Our Government will redirect federal investments in youth employment to provide real-life work experience in high-demand fields.
- Our Government recognizes the tremendous potential of Canada鈥檚 First Nations, Métis and Inuit populations to strengthen the growing Canadian economy. It will continue working with First Nations to develop stronger, more effective, and more accountable on-reserve education systems.
- In a dynamic economy, workers must be able to use their skills, wherever in Canada they choose to work. Provincial borders should not be employment barriers. Our Government will work with provinces and territories to improve credential recognition and enable the free movement of skilled workers.
- Our Government will ensure that Canadians are aware of the opportunities offered by the skilled trades, and will assist apprentices with the cost of their training.
- Our Government will complete reforms to the Temporary Foreign Worker Program to ensure that Canadians always have the first chance at available jobs.
- And our Government will continue to create the conditions for new and better jobs for Canadians across all sectors of our economy.
Depuis l鈥époque des coureurs des bois et de la Compagnie de la Baie d鈥橦udson, le Canada est un pays commerçant. De nos jours, un emploi canadien sur cinq dépend des exportations, et notre prospérité découle de l鈥檕uverture de nouveaux marchés aux biens, aux services et aux investissements canadiens.
C鈥檈st pourquoi notre gouvernement a lancé le programme commercial le plus ambitieux de l鈥檋istoire du Canada. En moins de sept ans, le Canada a conclu de nouveaux accords de libre-échange avec neuf pays et il en négocie actuellement avec plus de 60 autres.
- The Government will soon complete negotiations on a comprehensive economic and trade agreement with the European Union. This agreement has the potential to create 80,000 new Canadian jobs.
- Our Government is also committed to expanding trade with emerging markets in Asia and the Americas through our engagement in the Trans-Pacific Partnership and active negotiations with Japan, South Korea, and India.
- To further promote the success of Canadian exporters, our Government will launch a comprehensive new plan to assist Canadian businesses as they expand abroad.
- The United States remains Canada鈥檚 biggest and best customer. Our Government will continue implementing the Beyond the Border and Regulatory Cooperation Action Plans to speed the flow of people, goods and services between our two countries.
- Here at home, our Government will continue to work to remove barriers to trade between provinces and territories that cost jobs, inconvenience Canadians, and defy common sense. For instance, our Government will work with British Columbia and Ontario, and other willing jurisdictions, to set up a cooperative regulatory system for securities and capital markets.
- Enfin, notre gouvernement modifiera la Loi sur l鈥檌mportation des boissons enivrantes afin de permettre aux Canadiens et Canadiennes de transporter de la bière et des spiritueux d鈥檜ne province à l鈥檃utre à des fins personnelles.
Resource Development
Since Canada鈥檚 earliest days, our economy has been built on our abundant natural resources. Directly and indirectly, the natural resource sector employs 1.8 million Canadians, many in skilled, high-paying jobs. Resource development generates 30 billion dollars annually in revenue that supports health care, education and programs Canadians cherish.
Canada鈥檚 energy reserves are vast鈥攕ufficient to fuel our growing economy and supply international customers for generations to come. However, for Canadians to benefit fully from our natural resources we must be able to sell them. A lack of key infrastructure threatens to strand these resources at a time when global demand for Canadian energy is soaring.
Nous devons saisir le moment. Cette occasion d鈥檃ccéder à de nouveaux marchés ne sera pas éternelle. Maintenant plus que jamais, notre prospérité future dépend du développement responsable de ces ressources. Parallèlement, notre gouvernement prend des mesures pour s鈥檃ssurer que nos ressources ne tombent pas entre les mains de gouvernements étrangers.
- Our Government will continue to ensure that our natural resource sectors remain open to foreign investment when it is market-oriented and in the long-term interests of Canadians.
- Canada鈥檚 natural wealth is our national inheritance and our Government will ensure that the jobs and opportunities it brings are available to all Canadians. In particular, Canada鈥檚 Aboriginal peoples must have every opportunity to benefit.
Notre gouvernement croit que le développement des ressources naturelles doit respecter l鈥檈nvironnement, et les Canadiens et Canadiennes s鈥檃ttendent à ce que ce soit le cas. Le plan de notre gouvernement pour le développement responsable des ressources comprend des mesures de protection contre les déversements et autres risques pesant sur l鈥檈nvironnement et les communautés locales. Notre gouvernement :
- enchâssera dans la loi le principe du pollueur-payeur;
- établira des normes de sécurité plus élevées pour les entreprises menant des activités au large des côtes ainsi que pour celles exploitant des oléoducs et renforcera les exigences liées à l鈥檃ssurance-responsabilité;
[Our Government will:]
- Re-introduce the Safeguarding Canada鈥檚 Seas and Skies Act, to protect our oceans and coasts; and
- Act on advice from the Expert Panel on Tanker Safety, to create a world-class tanker safety system in Canada.
Farms, Fisheries, Forestry
Canada was built on the work of farmers, fishermen, and foresters. They work hard to feed our families and sustain rural communities.
Our Government will continue to protect and promote Canada鈥檚 traditional industries.
- Our Government has given farmers marketing freedom and is helping them adapt and innovate. It will continue to develop new markets around the world for Canadian products, while supporting supply management.
- Our Government has supported fishermen by ensuring proper management of fish stocks and by opening new markets worldwide. It will continue to be open to solutions, supported by fishermen, that strengthen the economic competitiveness of this traditional pillar of our coastal economy.
- La foresterie demeure essentielle à l鈥économie rurale du Canada et soutient près de 200 000 emplois au pays. Notre gouvernement a conclu et prolongé l鈥檃ccord sur le bois-d鈥櫯搖vre avec les États Unis. Et notre gouvernement continuera de soutenir l鈥檌nnovation et de trouver de nouvelles opportunités d鈥檈xportation pour les entreprises canadiennes.
Infrastructure investment creates jobs, supports trade, drives productivity and contributes in a fundamental way to growth and long-term prosperity.
For Canadians balancing the pressures of work and daily life, investment in our roads, bridges and transportation networks means less congestion, shorter commutes and more time with family. That鈥檚 why, in Economic Action Plan 2013, our Government launched the new Building Canada Plan, the largest long-term federal commitment to infrastructure in Canadian history.
- Au cours de la prochaine décennie, notre gouvernement investira 70 milliards de dollars dans les infrastructures fédérales, provinciales, territoriales et locales. Des projets, tels que le prolongement du métro dans la Région du Grand Toronto, le remplacement du pont Champlain à Montréal, la construction d鈥檜n nouveau poste frontalier entre Windsor et Détroit, ainsi que l鈥檌nstallation de la ligne Evergreen à Vancouver, créeront de l鈥檈mploi partout au pays.
Shipbuilding and Manufacturing
- Our Government will work in partnership with industry to ensure that all major military purchases create high-quality jobs for Canadian workers. Our Government鈥檚 National Shipbuilding Plan will create 15,000 well-paying, skilled jobs over 30 years for Canadians and produce much-needed new ships for the Royal Canadian Navy and the Canadian Coast Guard.
- Canada鈥檚 automotive and aerospace industries are also key parts of our economy. That鈥檚 why our Government renewed the Automotive Innovation Fund and improved the Strategic Aerospace and Defence Initiative. Both have a proven track record of generating results for Canadians鈥攋obs, prosperity and increased foreign investment.
- To foster Canadian productivity and global competitiveness, our Government provided 1.4 billion dollars in tax relief to manufacturing companies investing in modern machinery and equipment. And our new Advanced Manufacturing Fund will support new products and production methods.
Science and Technology
Our Government鈥檚 leadership in science and technology helps Canadian business remain competitive while creating high-paying jobs. Since 2006, our Government has invested more than 9 billion dollars to support science, technology and innovative companies operating at the outer limits of knowledge.
Canada now leads G-7 countries in post-secondary research investment.
- Transformation of the National Research Council, doubling the Industrial Research Assistance Program, and the new Venture Capital Action Plan are all helping to promote greater commercialization of research and development.
- Fort de cette base solide, notre gouvernement inaugurera une Stratégie mise à jour en matière de sciences, de technologie et d鈥檌nnovation.
- Our Government will continue making targeted investments in science and innovation chains from laboratory to market in order to position Canada as a leader in the knowledge economy.
- And our Government will continue to promote Canada as a world-class destination for international students.
Small Business and Tourism
Canada鈥檚 spectacular beauty attracts visitors from across the globe to every region of our country. These visitors create jobs and sustain local economies. Our Government will continue to work with industry partners to promote Canada as a top destination for tourism.
Our Government has reduced the red tape burden on small and medium-sized businesses. There are now fewer regulations and the cost of red tape has been reduced by nearly 20 million dollars annually.
- Notre gouvernement présentera une mesure législative pour enchâsser dans la loi la règle du « un pour un » : pour chaque nouveau règlement, un règlement doit être aboli.
- L鈥橝gence du revenu du Canada éliminera d鈥檃utres formalités administratives et aidera les entreprises à s鈥檕rienter dans le système fiscal.
- Enfin, après avoir équilibré le budget, notre gouvernement étudiera des moyens d鈥檕ffrir d鈥檃utres allégements fiscaux aux petites entreprises qui créent de l鈥檈mploi.
2. Supporting and Protecting Canadian Families
Keeping Taxes Low
Canadians work hard for their money. And we know families are better placed to make spending decisions than governments. That is why our Government has lowered taxes, year after year鈥攆or families, for businesses, for each and every Canadian.
For example, our Government:
- Cut the GST, from seven to six to five per cent;
- Created Tax Free Savings Accounts, which now benefit more than eight million Canadians;
- Established a 5,000-dollar tax credit for first-time home buyers;
- Reduced the lowest personal income tax rate and increased the basic personal exemption;
- Introduced income splitting for seniors;
- Brought in arts and fitness tax credits for our children; and
- Froze Employment Insurance premiums for the next three years, meaning that employees and employers will save 660 million dollars next year alone.
Dans l鈥檈nsemble, le fardeau fiscal fédéral est au plus bas niveau en 50 ans. Grâce au plan de réduction des taxes et des impôts de notre gouvernement, la famille canadienne moyenne paie 3 200 dollars de moins en taxes chaque année. Notre gouvernement a fait ses preuves en ce qui a trait à la réduction du fardeau fiscal des familles canadiennes. Nous avons tenu nos promesses. Et dès que l鈥équilibre budgétaire aura été rétabli, notre gouvernement proposera d鈥檃utres réductions de taxes aux familles canadiennes.
Defending Canadian Consumers
Canadian families work hard to make ends meet, and every dollar counts. While companies will look out for their bottom line, our Government is looking out for everyday Canadians.
When Canadians make decisions about how to spend their money, they must be assured of a voice, a choice, and fair treatment. For example, although Canadians are among the most digitally connected in the world, we also pay some of the highest wireless rates in the developed world. As families know鈥攅specially families with teenagers鈥攖he monthly bills add up.
Our Government has already taken action to achieve greater competition. Canadians know that competition is good for everyone. Competition lowers prices and keeps businesses from becoming complacent. As a result, wireless rates have fallen nearly 20 per cent since 2008.
But there is much more work to do.
- Our Government will take steps to reduce roaming costs on networks within Canada.
- Our Government believes Canadian families should be able to choose the combination of television channels they want. It will require channels to be unbundled, while protecting Canadian jobs.
- Our Government will continue enhancing high-speed broadband networks for rural Canadians.
En outre, notre gouvernement prendra des mesures supplémentaires pour protéger les consommateurs canadiens. Les Canadiens et Canadiennes en ont assez des frais cachés. Ils méritent de connaître le coût réel des achats par carte de débit ou de crédit. Et ils ne devraient pas payer plus cher au Canada pour des biens identiques pourtant vendus moins chers aux États-Unis.
Notre gouvernement :
- mettra un terme aux politiques « payer pour payer » afin que les consommateurs n鈥檃ient pas de frais pour l鈥檕btention de relevés papier;
- élargira les services bancaires de base sans frais;
- travaillera de concert avec les provinces et les territoires pour faire échec aux sociétés de prêt sur salaire prédatrices;
- habilitera les consommateurs en exigeant la divulgation des frais liés aux différentes méthodes de paiement;
- prendra d鈥檃utres mesures pour mettre fin à la discrimination géographique par les prix dont sont victimes des Canadiens et Canadiennes.
Supporting Victims and Punishing Criminals
Our Government believes that the justice system exists to protect law-abiding citizens and our communities. For too long, the voices of victims have been silenced, while the system coddled criminals. Our Government has worked to re-establish Canada as a country where those who break the law are punished for their actions; where penalties match the severity of crimes committed; where the rights of victims come before the rights of criminals.
- Our Government will introduce a Victims Bill of Rights to restore victims to their rightful place at the heart of our justice system.
- Our Government will focus on protecting the most vulnerable of all victims, our children. Recent tragic deaths, including those of Amanda Todd, Rehtaeh Parsons, and Todd Loik, have shocked Canadians. Our Government will introduce legislation giving police and prosecutors new tools to effectively address cyberbullying that involves criminal invasion of privacy, intimidation and personal abuse. This legislation would create a new criminal offence prohibiting the non-consensual distribution of intimate images.
- Les Canadiens et Canadiennes sont alarmés, et ce, à juste titre, lorsqu鈥檜n délinquant violent reconnu non criminellement responsable de ses actes est remis en liberté dans nos communautés. Notre gouvernement déposera de nouveau un projet de loi pour garantir que la sécurité publique passe avant tout.
- But we must do even more to protect our children. Child predators should never be let off with only a single sentence for multiple crimes against children. Canadians demand that those who prey on our children pay the full price for every devastated life. Our Government will end sentencing discounts for child sex offenders.
- It is also unacceptable that dangerous and violent offenders are released into our communities before serving their full sentences. Our Government will end the practice of automatic early release for serious repeat offenders.
- Mais pour ce qui est des plus dangereux des criminels, même ces mesures ne suffisent pas. Les Canadiens et Canadiennes ne comprennent pas pourquoi les plus dangereux criminels devraient un jour être remis en liberté. Pour eux, notre gouvernement modifiera la loi afin qu鈥檜ne sentence à vie soit bel et bien un emprisonnement à vie.
- Aboriginal women are disproportionately the victims of violent crime. Our Government will renew its efforts to address the issue of missing and murdered Aboriginal women.
- Canadians also know that prostitution victimizes women and threatens the safety of our communities. Our Government will vigorously defend the constitutionality of Canada鈥檚 prostitution laws.
- Finally, our Government recognizes the daily risks taken by police officers and their service animals. It will bring forward Quanto鈥檚 law in honour of them.
Safeguarding Families and Communities
Families are the cornerstone of our society. Families raise our children and build our communities. As our families succeed, Canada succeeds.
Notre gouvernement comprend les pressions que subissent chaque jour les familles canadiennes ordinaires, et il prend des mesures pour renforcer les familles, et non pas les remplacer. C鈥檈st pourquoi notre gouvernement a retiré l鈥檃rgent des mains des bureaucrates et des lobbyistes et l鈥檃 remis aux véritables experts en matière de garde des enfants : les mères et les pères. La prestation universelle du gouvernement pour la garde d鈥檈nfants remet aux parents 1 200 dollars par an pour les aider à payer les dépenses engagées pour élever des enfants.
Our Government will also support hard-working Canadian families in other ways.
- Every day, parents make choices about what goes on the dinner table. Our Safe Food for Canadians Act was a significant milestone in strengthening Canada鈥檚 world-class food safety system. Our Government will work with the provinces and territories to further strengthen food inspection regimes.
- Our Government will consult with Canadian parents to improve the way nutritional information is presented on food labels.
- Our Government is also committed to ensuring that drug labels are written in plain language, and that the potential side effects of medication are accurately indicated. To help identify potentially dangerous drugs, and ensure the quick recall of unsafe drugs, it will introduce new patient safety legislation. This will include new powers to require reporting of adverse drug reactions.
Our Government will also:
- Build on our caregiver tax credit by working with employers to better accommodate Canadians caring for older family members;
- Help seniors quickly access information about programs and services they need and use in their communities;
- Make adoption more affordable for Canadian families;
- Renew investments in health research to tackle the growing onset of dementia, and related illnesses;
- Prevent employers and insurance companies from discriminating against Canadians on the basis of genetic testing;
- Collaborate with injury prevention organizations, to reduce the injury rate in Canada; and
- Work with the provinces and territories and with the private and not-for-profit sectors to encourage young Canadians to be more physically active.
Les familles canadiennes veulent des communautés sécuritaires et saines où elles pourront élever leurs enfants. Elles souhaitent aborder le problème de la pauvreté et d鈥檃utres problèmes sociaux persistants, avoir des infrastructures sûres et fiables, et jouir d鈥檜n environnement propre et sain.
Notre gouvernement :
- redéposera et fera adopter la Loi sur le respect des collectivités, de sorte que les parents aient leur mot à dire avant qu鈥檜n site d鈥檌njection supervisé ouvre dans leur quartier;
- élargira sa Stratégie nationale antidrogue afin de contrer le problème grandissant de l鈥檃bus de médicaments d鈥檕rdonnance;
[Our Government will:]
- Close loopholes that allow for the feeding of addiction under the guise of treatment;
- Act on the opportunities presented by social finance and the successful National Call for Concepts for Social Finance;
- Build on the successful Housing First approach and its renewed Homelessness Partnering Strategy to help house vulnerable Canadians;
- Protect Canada鈥檚 rich natural heritage by unveiling a new National Conservation Plan to further increase protected areas, focusing on stronger marine and coastal conservation;
- Complete, by 2015, its work to protect wilderness lands in Nááts鈥檌hch鈥檕h, Bathurst Island and the Mealy Mountains;
- Work with communities, non-profit organizations, and businesses to create and protect more green space in our urban and suburban areas;
- Take further action to improve air quality nationwide; and
- Build on its record as the first government to achieve an absolute reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by working with provinces to reduce emissions from the oil and gas sectors while ensuring Canadian companies remain competitive.
Avant la Confédération, le Canada comptait déjà sur les lignes ferroviaires pour la circulation des marchandises et des passagers. C鈥檈st toujours le cas aujourd鈥檋ui. Lorsqu鈥檌l y a des possibilités économiques, il faut encore des chemins de fer pour apporter les marchandises canadiennes aux consommateurs.
- Notre gouvernement a déjà modifié la Loi sur la sécurité ferroviaire pour rendre ce moyen de transport encore plus sécuritaire.
- Comme le nettoyage et la reconstruction de Lac-Mégantic le montrent, les compagnies de chemin de fer doivent être en mesure d鈥檃ssumer le coût de leurs actions. Notre gouvernement exigera que les expéditeurs et les compagnies de chemin de fer contractent une assurance additionnelle afin de pouvoir répondre de leurs actes.
- De plus, des mesures ciblées seront prises pour rendre le transport des marchandises dangereuses plus sécuritaire.
The first responders and ordinary Canadians who came together to confront the recent disasters in Lac-Mégantic and Alberta showed courage under the most dire circumstances. Le gouvernement a toujours offert son soutien aux communautés en période de crise et de rétablissement.
- Notre gouvernement continuera d鈥檃ppuyer les citoyens de Lac-Mégantic et des communautés touchées en Alberta alors qu鈥檌ls se tournent vers l鈥檃venir.
- En renforçant la résilience des communautés, nous pouvons atténuer les plus grands effets des catastrophes naturelles et d鈥檃utres urgences avant même qu鈥檈lles ne se produisent. Notre gouvernement travaillera avec les provinces et les territoires à élaborer un Programme national d鈥檃tténuation des catastrophes afin de réduire l鈥檌mpact des catastrophes naturelles.
3. Putting Canada First
Supporting Our Armed Forces
Government has no higher obligation than the protection of national sovereignty and the security of citizens. And Canadians know that you cannot earn respect by projecting weakness. Serious countries have serious capabilities.
Look at the paintings that adorn this room鈥攕cenes of the Great War. They remind us of this, and of the profound sacrifices made by our men and women in uniform. These heroes are the pride of our country and the backbone of our history.
After a decade of darkness, our Government has been living up to our promise to give the Canadian military the tools it needs to get the job done. Soldier for soldier, sailor for sailor, airman for airman, the Canadian Armed Forces are once again the best in the world.
No longer does Canada have to hitch a ride with our allies. Our serving men and women can now carry out their vital missions. The Royal Canadian Air Force is flying new heavy-lift C-17 and C-130J transport aircraft, and operating Chinook helicopters. New tanks, artillery and other equipment have proven their worth in combat. Canadian workers at Canadian shipyards will build new ships for the Royal Canadian Navy and the Canadian Coast Guard. And our Government will complete our plan to replace Canada鈥檚 fleet of fighter jets.
Building on these successes, our Government will renew our Canada First Defence Strategy. Now and in the future, Canada鈥檚 Armed Forces will defend Canada and protect our borders; maintain sovereignty over our Northern lands and waters; fight alongside our allies to defend our interests; and respond to emergencies within Canada and around the world.
To be effective, our military must have more teeth and less tail. Our Government will:
- Put front-line capability before back-office bureaucracy;
- Respond to emerging threats to our sovereignty and economy posed by terrorism and cyber-attacks, while ensuring Canadians鈥 fundamental privacy rights are protected;
- Incorporate a strong role for our military reserves, who are an essential link between the Armed Forces and Canadian communities; and
- Assist employers of reservists who are required to deploy on missions vital to the security of all Canadians.
Alors que notre gouvernement prend ces mesures, il n鈥檕ublie pas les promesses faites à ceux et celles qui ont défendu le Canada avec fierté. Nos anciens combattants ont pris les armes pour nous; maintenant, c鈥檈st à notre tour d鈥être à leurs côtés. Notre gouvernement a fait des investissements sans précédent à cet égard.
Notre gouvernement a :
- augmenté le soutien offert de par sa Charte des anciens combattants améliorée;
- veillé à ce que les anciens combattants blessés au combat aient droit à des funérailles dignes;
- réduit la paperasserie pour que les anciens combattants aient facilement accès aux prestations auxquelles ils ont droit;
- affecté près de cinq milliards de dollars supplémentaires aux prestations et aux programmes.
Our Government has worked to help returning veterans re-establish themselves. We will:
- Reach out to homeless veterans and help give them the support they need; and
- Build on our successful 鈥淗elmets to Hardhats鈥 program to place veterans in good jobs.
Canada鈥檚 Northern Sovereignty
We are a northern country. We are a northern people. Canada鈥檚 greatest dreams are to be found in our highest latitudes. They are the dreams of a North confident and prosperous, the True North, strong and free.
Dans le Nord, notre gouvernement affirme notre souveraineté; 艙uvre en faveur de la prospérité des habitants; protège notre patrimoine environnemental arctique; et donne aux populations du Nord plus de contrôle sur leurs propres affaires.
Our Government has made great strides by:
- Opening the Canadian Armed Forces Arctic Training Centre;
- Expanding the Canadian Rangers, our eyes and ears in the North;
- Creating the Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency;
- Mapping Canada鈥檚 Arctic seabed to assert our sovereignty;
- Investing in health care, education, and affordable housing for Northerners; and
- Concluding a historic Devolution Agreement with the Northwest Territories and negotiating one with Nunavut.
But the eyes of the world increasingly look enviously to our North. Our Government will not rest.
- Our Government will fulfill Prime Minister Diefenbaker鈥檚 historic vision by completing the Dempster Highway to the Arctic Ocean, linking Canada from sea to sea to sea.
- Notre gouvernement a créé la Station de recherche du Canada dans l鈥橢xtrême Arctique, une plate-forme de classe mondiale pour la science et la technologie qui ouvrira à temps pour le 150e anniversaire de la Confédération.
- With the arrival of our Government鈥檚 new Arctic Offshore Patrol Ships, Canada鈥檚 first deep water Arctic port at Nanisivik will be operational.
- Our Government recognizes that the future prosperity of the North requires responsible development of its abundant natural resources. Northerners must benefit from this treasure. Our Government will work alongside Inuit, First Nations, territorial governments and industry to ensure that Northerners are well trained to take their full place in this new economy.
- Our Government will also continue to defend the seal hunt, an important source of food and income for coastal and Inuit communities.
- The story of the North is the story of Canada. In order to tell that story for Canada鈥檚 150th year, our Government will continue efforts to solve one of the most enduring mysteries of our past. We will work with renewed determination and an expanded team of partners to discover the fate of Sir John Franklin鈥檚 lost Arctic expedition.
Promoting Canadian Values
Canada stands for what is right and good in the world. This is the true character of Canadians鈥攈onourable in our dealings, faithful to our commitments, loyal to our friends. Confident partners, courageous warriors and compassionate neighbours.
Canada does not go along to get along. Our Government defends Israel鈥檚 right to exist as a Jewish state, the lone outpost of freedom and democracy in a dangerous region. And our Government stands opposed to those regimes that threaten their neighbours, slaughter their citizens, and imperil freedom. These regimes must ultimately be judged not by their words, but by their actions.
Canada seeks a world where freedom鈥攊ncluding freedom of religion, the rule of law, democracy and human dignity are respected. Our Government will continue to promote these fundamental values around the world, including through the newly established Office of Religious Freedom.
Les Canadiens et Canadiennes savent que liberté et prospérité vont de pair.
- Pour aider les plus démunis de ce monde, notre gouvernement établira avec le secteur privé des partenariats visant à favoriser la croissance économique du monde en développement.
- L鈥檃rgent des contribuables affecté à l鈥檃ide étrangère doit produire des résultats concrets. L鈥檃ide internationale de notre gouvernement demeurera ciblée, efficace et responsable.
Canadians also know that free and healthy societies require the full participation of women. Canada has taken a leadership role in addressing the health challenges facing women, infants and children in the world鈥檚 poorest countries. These efforts are saving millions of lives.
- In particular, Canada recognizes the courageous and inspiring example set by Malala Yousafzai in risking her life promoting education for young women. She faced down evil and oppression and now speaks boldly for those who are silenced. Recognizing her heroism, our Government will, on behalf of all Canadians, bestow honorary citizenship on this remarkable young woman.
- Sadly, millions of women and girls continue to be brutalized by violence, including through the inhumane practice of early and forced marriage. This barbarism is unacceptable to Canadians. Our Government will take steps to ensure that it does not occur on our soil.
- Ici, au Canada, des personnes d鈥檕rigines très différentes vivent et travaillent côte à côte, ensemble. Les nouveaux arrivants font d鈥檌mportants efforts pour apprendre nos langues, nos valeurs et nos traditions. En retour, nous les accueillons comme membres à part entière de la grande famille canadienne. Notre gouvernement a hérité d鈥檜n système d鈥檌mmigration déficient. Beaucoup de travail a été nécessaire pour le réparer.
Notre gouvernement a :
- réduit de près de moitié le retard des demandes;
- éliminé le retard pour les immigrants économiques;
- coupé de moitié les frais exigés pour l鈥établissement;
- réduit le temps d鈥檃ttente pour les travailleurs qualifiés voulant s鈥établir au Canada;
- renforcé la protection des véritables réfugiés;
- réduit le nombre de faux demandeurs d鈥檃sile et déporté plus de 100 000 immigrants illégaux;
- continué de s鈥檈fforcer d鈥檃tteindre son objectif de réunir les familles plus rapidement.
But there is still more our Government can and will do.
- We know that a job is the best path to social integration. Our Government will introduce a new model to select immigrants based on the skills Canadian employers need.
- Our Government will reform the Immigrant Investor Program so that these investors make a real contribution in exchange for the security and pathway to citizenship that Canada provides.
- Canadians understand that citizenship should not be simply a passport of convenience. Citizenship is a pledge of mutual responsibility and a shared commitment to values rooted in our history.
- Our Government will not hesitate to uphold the fundamental rights of all Canadians wherever they are threatened.
- To strengthen and protect the value of Canadian citizenship, our Government will introduce the first comprehensive reforms to the Citizenship Act in more than a generation.
2017: Anniversary of Confederation
As we look confidently to the future, we draw great strength from our past. Beginning with our Aboriginal peoples, Canada鈥檚 story is one of risk, sacrifice, and rugged determination. From the founding of New France, to the fight for Canada in the War of 1812; from the visionary achievement of Confederation, to our victory at Vimy Ridge, Canadians have repeatedly triumphed over long odds to forge a great country, united and free.
C鈥檈st une histoire dont nous nous souvenons avec émerveillement et que nous racontons avec fierté. L鈥檋istoire de différentes provinces qui ont fondé une fédération où les forces de chacun renforcent notre union. Une fédération où nos deux langues nationales nous confèrent un avantage inégalable dans le monde, où les francophones prospèrent et célèbrent leur culture unique, en solidarité avec leurs concitoyens canadiens.
Notre gouvernement a reconnu que les Québécois forment une nation au sein d鈥檜n Canada uni. Il travaillera avec le gouvernement du Québec pour assurer notre prospérité commune. Notre gouvernement continuera de respecter la division des compétences qui est au c艙ur de la Constitution adoptée au moment de la Confédération.
La Confédération du Canada mérite d鈥être célébrée. Notre gouvernement célébrera notre 150e anniversaire en 2017 et se joindra aux Canadiens et Canadiennes pour souligner cette étape mémorable.
- Il soulignera le 150e anniversaire des conférences de Charlottetown et de Québec.
- Il célébrera le 200e anniversaire de deux des plus éminents pères de la Confédération : sir George-Étienne Cartier et sir John A. Macdonald.
[Our Government will join with Canadians in honouring this momentous milestone by:]
- Commemorating the centennial of the First World War and the 75th anniversary of the Second World War, and the enormous sacrifices made by Canadians and our Allies in both;
- Re-dedicating the National War Memorial to the memory of all men and women who fought for our country;
- Building a Memorial to the Victims of Communism, to remember the millions who suffered under tyranny;
- Marking the end of Canada鈥檚 mission in Afghanistan by honouring the service of our men and women in uniform, including those who made the ultimate sacrifice combating the spread of terrorism;
- Honouring the proud history of our Canadian Armed Forces by restoring military traditions;
- Strengthening the Cadet and Junior Ranger programs;
- Establishing the Canadian Museum of History to share the story of Canada with pride;
- Supporting the Pan and Parapan American Games and the FIFA Women鈥檚 World Cup in 2015, showcasing Canadians鈥 proud, competitive and united spirit under the maple leaf; and
- Working with Canadians to support community projects, local celebrations, and other initiatives to commemorate this historic occasion.
The coming anniversary of Confederation is also a time to mark the contribution of Canada鈥檚 First Nations, Métis and Inuit communities, who have had a defining role in shaping our country.
- Our Government will continue our dialogue on the treaty relationship and comprehensive land claims.
- And our Government will continue to work in partnership with Aboriginal peoples to create healthy, prosperous, self-sufficient communities.
The road to 2017 is a fitting time to strengthen our institutions and democratic processes.
- The Government continues to believe the status quo in the Senate of Canada is unacceptable. The Senate must be reformed or, as with its provincial counterparts, vanish. The Government will proceed upon receiving the advice of the Supreme Court.
- And, the Government will propose changes to Canada鈥檚 elections laws to uphold the integrity of our voting system. Legislation will be introduced in time for implementation prior to the next federal election.
Honourable Members of the Senate and Members of the Commons, as the dawn of our Confederation approached in the 1860s, our founding Prime Minister Sir John A. Macdonald said of Canada鈥檚 future that he saw 鈥渁 great nation鈥攇reat in thought, great in action, great in hope, and great in position.鈥
His vision has come to pass.
Aujourd鈥檋ui, le Canada est un modèle dans le monde entier. Nos libertés font l鈥檃dmiration de tous. Nos principes inspirent le respect. Notre ouverture, notre compassion et notre pluralisme pacifique sont enviés.
As we approach the 150th anniversary of our great land, we look to the future. A future we will face true to our character, the character of a determined and enterprising people: Canadians, whose shops and small businesses spur the growth of our towns and cities; who work factory shifts and drive taxicabs to help their families get ahead; who take the same pride in raising their children as they do in being citizens of the best country on earth.
These are the quiet, unsung Canadians who are building our country.
It is from them that we draw the inspiration to face an uncertain and unstable world.
It is for them that we will seize the moment before us.
Members of the House of Commons, you will be asked to appropriate the funds required to carry out the services and expenditures authorized by Parliament.
Honorables Sénatrices et Sénateurs, Mesdames et Messieurs les Députés, les Canadiens et les Canadiennes ont placé en vous une grande confiance.
May you be equal to that trust in all things and may Divine Providence guide you in your deliberations.