OTTAWA - A Conservative bid for an emergency meeting on the Jaspal Atwal affair has fizzled.

The party's public safety critic, Pierre Paul-Hus, wanted the House of Commons committee on national security to meet urgently after Atwal -- a B.C. man convicted of attempted murder -- wound up at a prime ministerial event in India.

Paul-Hus called for a committee review of the Privy Council Office's screening practices following the incident, which embarrassed Prime Minister Justin Trudeau during his visit.

Committee chairman John McKay says he did not receive the required notices of support from at least four MPs to initiate an emergency meeting.

Atwal was convicted of attempting to kill Indian cabinet minister Malkiat Singh Sidhu on Vancouver Island in 1986.

He was also charged, but not convicted, in connection with a 1985 attack on Ujjal Dosanjh, a staunch opponent of the Sikh separatist movement, who later became B.C. premier and a federal Liberal cabinet minister.