OTTAWA -- After two weeks of sustained pressure to do more for the victims of conflict in Syria, Stephen Harper's government announced Saturday that Canada will provide $100 million in additional humanitarian assistance for the millions of Syrians crammed into refugee camps.

A second announcement -- to speed up the tortuously slow process of resettling refugees in Canada -- is expected within a few days.

Four million people have fled Syria since civil war broke out in 2011 but it wasn't until Sept. 2 that the crisis pierced Canadians' consciousness, when the image of a dead Syrian toddler on a Turkish beach shocked the world.

The heart-rending photograph landed amid a federal election campaign in Canada and prompted charges that the Harper government has done little to ease the plight of Syrian refugees.

Former Liberal prime minister Jean Chretien upped the ante Saturday in a open letter to several newspapers, in which he said Harper's "cold-hearted reaction" to the Syrian refugee crisis has "shamed Canada in the eyes of Canadians and of the international community."

While the Conservatives insist the government has already done plenty, Harper signalled last week that more would be done.

At a hastily assembled news conference Saturday, International Development Minister Christian Paradis said the federal government made by Canadians between Sept. 12 and Dec. 31 to registered charities working to help the refugees -- up to a maximum of $100 million.

The money will be used to help meet the "basic needs" of the refugees, including providing shelter, food, water, protection and emergency education, Paradis said. It will also be used to help poor countries through which some of the refugees are travelling.

"The Syrian conflict is a tragedy of huge magnitude," Paradis said.

"None of us can stand idle when we know the horrors that affect so many civilians caught in the Syrian conflict. The question that we've been hearing, loud and clear, from Canadians is: 'What can I do to help?"'

The $100 million is in addition to $503.5 million in funding that has already been allocated for humanitarian efforts in Syria and neighbouring countries since the beginning of Syria's civil war.

The government says Canadian aid has already helped provide relief items to more than 3.25 million people in Syria, food assistance to 4.16 million people inside Syria, and clean water to 16.5 million people in Syria.

Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne commended the federal move Saturday while announcing her province is pledging $10.5 million to help more refugees settle in Ontario and support international relief efforts. But she noted that Ontario can't bring in refugees on its own and called on the federal government to accelerate the resettlement process.

Similarly, federal New Democrats and Liberals welcomed the new funding but urged immediate action to speed up the arrival of Syrian refugees in Canada.

"We must not stop there. It is our duty to implement a concrete plan to help Syrian refugees now and over the years to come," Paul Dewar, the NDP's foreign affairs critic, said in a written statement.

"I think it's time to dig a little deeper and move a little faster," said Liberal MP Adam Vaughan during a news conference Saturday.

"It's time to live up to this country's proud, proud history of being a place of refuge, of safety. Canadians can do it but they need a partner in Ottawa."

Fewer than 2,500 Syrian refugees have so far been resettled in Canada. The government announced in January that it would accept 10,000 over three years and, since calling the election last month, Harper has promised to accept an additional 10,000 over the next four years.

NDP Leader Tom Mulcair has promised to resettle 10,000 Syrian refugees by the end of this year and another 9,000 annually for the next four years. Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau has vowed to bring in 25,000 Syrians by the end of the year.

Paradis said the government is already deploying more officials to Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey to accelerate the processing of refugees. While it continues to consider options to do more, he said it's important to ensure security screening is done.

Jason Kenney, the former immigration minister, ruled out airlifting Syrian refugees. In an interview with CBC radio's The House, Kenney said it would be "terribly imprudent" to do minimal screening of refugees from a country rife with terrorists.

Paradis also struck back at Chretien, saying the former prime minister's recent private meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin is "kind of questionable" given that Putin has invaded Ukraine and is backing the brutal Al-Assad regime in Syria.

Chris Friesen, president of the Canadian Immigrant Settlement Sector Alliance, said Saturday's announcement was a step in the right direction but still doesn't address the issue of speeding up resettlement of Syrian refugees. He said the top priority must be reuniting refugees who have family members already in Canada.

"These people are desperate. They're watching this day in and day out from their living rooms, Skyping their families. They're getting vicarious traumatization, depression, anxiety," Friesen said.

"They're completely helpless. They don't know where to turn."

With files from Stephanie Levitz and Laura Kane