WASHINGTON - Dozens of protesters say they'll be back at the White House Monday to continue daily sit-ins against a proposed Canadian pipeline.

Dozens of demonstrators were arrested over the weekend during the first two days of sit-ins against Trans-Canada's Keystone XL pipeline.

Those arrested faces charges of failing to obey an order governing protests on the sidewalk.

They included 68-year-old Patricia Warwick of Toronto, who was later released.

Another Canadian activist at Sunday's protest says hopes the event will make Americans more aware of the environmental risks the project poses.

Heather Milton Lightening of Alberta, says it's important to highlight the Canadian First Nations communities that will be affected.

The proposed pipeline would cross the Canada-U.S. border and wind through the U.S. to oil refineries on the Texas Gulf Coast.

President Obama must give final approval and that's expected by the end of the year.