The Center for Learning and Student Success (CLASS) offers free peer tutoring for all students at Pacific. Peer tutors help students develop effective learning and study strategies and hone their academic skills. Tutors also provide students with guidance in understanding concepts and solving problems from their courses. CLASS aims to improve student success by providing a welcoming environment where students can work toward their academic goals with peer support.
The first step in preparing to meet with a tutor is understanding what tutors can and cannot do, so you know what to expect from your session.
CLASS peer tutors can:
- Guide you to solve problems and understand concepts from your courses.
- Help you identify recurring errors in your work and teach you how to fix them.
- Work with you to develop effective learning and study strategies.
- Help you plan to meet your academic goals.
- Relate to you as a peer to provide feedback and understand your concerns.
- Help you effectively use appropriate learning resources.
CLASS peer tutors cannot:
- Teach new material missed in class.
- Do your homework for you.
- Guarantee an error-free assignment or a better grade.
- Help with take-home or make-up tests.
- Check homework problems for correctness.
Writing Peer Tutoring
CLASS writing peer tutors can assist students with any type of writing assignment, for any class, and at any stage of the writing process—from brainstorming and researching to revising and citations. Peer tutors work with you to improve your writing skills; they do not provide drop-off proofreading and editing services.
Working with a writing peer tutor helps you build your writing skills by providing you with feedback and individualized discussion about your writing. You’ll have the opportunity to revise and improve your work, similarly to how professional writers seek review and feedback.
- Writing tutors will work with you to understand an assignment and help you generate ideas for a paper, but they cannot tell you exactly what to write for your assignments.
- Writing tutors will read your paper to see if it is organized and makes sense, and help you clarify your ideas to improve flow and readability, but they cannot read your paper only for grammatical errors.
- Writing tutors can guide you through the research process, including how to search for and evaluate sources, and direct you to style guides for citations and formatting and help you understand how to apply them in your papers, but they cannot do the research or format your papers for you.
- Writing tutors will help you recognize patterns of errors in your writing and teach you how to fix them, and help you identify areas of strength and areas for improvement in your papers, but they cannot edit or proofread papers for you.
Graduate and Professional Time Management Peer Tutoring
(UnderÂ鶹ӰÊÓ students are encouraged to take advantage of academic coaching in the Advising Center.)
Time management peer tutors can help you:
- Identify and organize your deadlines and responsibilities.
- Make manageable schedules that work for you.
- Prioritize your responsibilities when you have multiple deadlines.
- Incorporate evidence-based study strategies, such as spaced practice, into your routine to help you study more efficiently.