Fulfill Criteria outlined below.
Ensure there is an active site affiliation agreement in place. If not, please contact sopexperiential@contact.pacificu.edu to begin the affiliation process. A site visit will be required (either online or in person) for newly affiliated sites.
Create a new preceptor account using link and code below:
Preceptor Requirements and Responsibilities (Criteria)
Preceptors play a fundamental role in the educational development of competent and professional pharmacy practitioners. They guide students through educational objectives, instill values and attitudes, and supervise the student’s performance. Their contribution in this manner is meaningful and is an important component of the School’s mission to Â鶹ӰÊÓ exemplary, competent pharmacists prepared to deal with the demands and rewards of contemporary pharmacy practice.
- Preceptors must be appropriately licensed and in good standing in the state in which they practice.
- Preceptors should be knowledgeable of and compliant with the material contained in the OEE Student and Preceptor manual and the appropriate course syllabus for APPE and or IPPE type for which they are precepting
- Preceptors are expected to instill and demonstrate principles of professionalism and ethics.
- Preceptors are responsible for clearly communicating student expectations regarding performance, appearance, attitude and method of practice.
- Preceptors are responsible for scheduling an orientation session with their student(s).
- Preceptors are responsible for identifying an acceptable replacement to supervise students during absences.
- Preceptors are responsible for fostering an environment of mutual learning.
- Preceptors should not assume student competency but determine it by reviewing the student’s performance through discussions and observation.
- Preceptors are responsible for completing evaluations on student progress at the rotation midpoint and end, sharing their observations with the students in a private and appropriate manner.
- Preceptors should inform students of any areas requiring improvement as early as possible, particularly in situations where the student is not on track to pass the experience.
- Preceptors are expected to inform the Office of Experiential Education (OEE) for any circumstances where the student is not on track to pass.
- Preceptors are expected to serve as role models to the student.
- Preceptors must not take advantage of the inherent power gradient they hold over students. Ex: It is inappropriate for a preceptor to purposefully threaten or incite fear in a student. The final grade for any experiential experience will be assigned by the School.
Failure to comply with any requirements and responsibilities listed above may result in revoking preceptor privileges for the School.
Site Criteria
Site Expectations
The School strives to develop and utilize a wide variety of pharmacy practice experiential sites for student education. The following is a list of the characteristics the school strives for when assessing a site:
1. Physical Environment
a. The restroom and break facilities are adequate
b. Task-specific workspace is available for students to perform required (assigned) duties
c. The site ensures the students’ physical safety
d. Orientation to the site facilities, resources, and personnel prepares students to perform their duties
2. Culture of Teaching and Learning
a. The site allows students to work with a variety of pharmacy professionals with varying levels of education, training, and/or responsibility (ex/ pharmacists, residents, interns, technicians, informaticists, etc.)
b. The site provides opportunities for students to interact with healthcare professionals outside of pharmacy for purposes of learning, teaching, and/or providing patient care
c. The site promotes and supports a culture of diversity and inclusion, and provides opportunities to interact with diverse populations
d. The site provides a supportive learning environment that encourages questions and allows students to perform assigned tasks in a manner that is safe for patients and the student
3. Access to Resources
a. The site provides access to drug information resources necessary to respond to the needs of patients, preceptors, and other healthcare professionals
b. The site provides students a level of access to pharmacy-based technology consistent with an appropriate level of learning, autonomy, and provision of patient care
4. Leadership and Professionalism
a. The site accommodates student involvement in professional development activities (ex/ residency/employment interviews, attendance at professional conferences/meetings, continuing education activities)
b. Scheduling at the site allows students to spend the majority (i.e. >50%) of their time on rotation with licensed preceptors who were responsible for evaluating their performance
c. Business and clinical activities at the site are conducted in a collegial and professional manner
d. The site has a clearly defined process for reporting suggestions or concerns (ex/ chain of command, reporting hotline)
Affiliation Agreements
A written affiliation agreement will be executed between each experiential site/corporation (facility) and the School on the site is approved through site orientation and initial visit. The agreement will define responsibilities, commitments and expectations of each of the parties regarding the education and the experience of the students. In addition, the agreement will include issues such as health services, malpractice provisions, criminal background checks, student disclosures, immunization policies and professional conduct expectations.