AAQEP Accreditation
The School of Learning and Teaching at 鶹Ӱ is nationally accredited through the (AAQEP). National accreditation assures the quality of professional preparation programs through a nongovernmental, nonregulatory process of self-study and peer review. This standards- and evidence-based process serves two broad aims: accountability and continuous improvement. The AAQEP model is also designed to honor local context and foster innovation and collaboration among institutions. AAQEP currently has members in 30 states and other jurisdictions with over 180 educator preparation providers participating in the accreditation system.
The AAQEP Commission evaluated the program’s evidence for each AAQEP standard and determined that all four standards are met. Completers of the program are prepared to work effectively as professional educators who are able to adapt to different contexts and to grow professionally. The School of Learning and Teaching maintains program quality by analyzing evidence of its effectiveness and making strategic revisions to benefit candidates, applying national standards through the lens of its institutional mission to implement a meaningful continuous improvement process. The program engages deeply with stakeholders and partners to strengthen the P-20 education system in communities across the Willamette Valley.
After reviewing the evidence collected through a process of self-study and peer review, the AAQEP Accreditation Commission awarded full 7-year accreditation (through June 30, 2029) to the educator licensure programs at 鶹Ӱ.
AAQEP EPP Annual Report - Academic Year 2023-2024
Annual Reports provide a regular opportunity for all AAQEP members to update their program data and for accredited members to show that program quality is being maintained or enhanced and that AAQEP standards continue to be met. In the process, Annual Reports also provide information on common indicators and transparency to stakeholders and the public.
The EPP Annual Report is available by clicking .
Continuous Improvement Plan
It is important to us that we have a reliable sense of how effective our 鶹Ӱs are as teachers as well as how satisfied employers and our 鶹Ӱs are with our teacher preparation programs. In order for us to have a comprehensive understanding of effectiveness and satisfaction, we have designed a quality assurance system that surveys employers and our 鶹Ӱs, analyzes statewide student assessment data, and documents our 鶹Ӱs teaching in the field.
Continuous Improvement Instruments
The Employer/Completer Survey - The Employer/Completer survey asks our 鶹Ӱs how well they believe our program prepared them for their first year of teaching. The survey also asks superintendents and principals of schools that employ our 鶹Ӱs about their observations of our 鶹Ӱs' performance. The survey's objective is to help the School of Learning and Teaching determine how the program is effective at developing the essential knowledge and skills that teachers need to be successful. It also identifies areas where we can improve. The Employer/Completer survey is distributed annually.
The Employer/Completer survey asks superintendents and principals to rate our 鶹Ӱs using the inTASC standards as the measure for teacher effectiveness. Superintendents and principals rate our 鶹Ӱs in four main categories of preparation: learner and learning, content knowledge, professional responsibility, and instructional practice. Graduates are asked to rate their preparation on a 1 to 4 Likert scale with 1 meaning “Very Dissatisfied” and 4 meaning “Very Satisfied.”
P12 Student Performance on Statewide Achievement Tests - Beginning in 18-19, the Oregon Department of Education will be providing all teacher preparation programs with 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade achievement test data, disaggregated by teacher preparation program. This will enable us to track our our 鶹Ӱs for three years and provide one lens into how our program has contributed to their success in the classroom.
Case studies on 鶹Ӱ Teacher Effectiveness - In an effort to triangulate data from several sources, 鶹Ӱ is designing case studies to test the effectiveness of our 鶹Ӱs in their classrooms. Pacific intends to study p12 effectiveness in an Action Research paradigm by using a stratified random sample (program, level, content area) of our 1st, 2nd, and 3rd year 鶹Ӱs to provide another lens onto how our program contributes to their success in the classroom. Our plan is to begin collecting this data in 18-19.
Annual Licensure Testing Pass Rates
NES Content Knowledge Exams (Content Knowledge Licensure Tests)* |
*Oregon Teacher Standards and Practices Commission (TSPC) allows Educator Preparation Providers to assess student/candidate content knowledge utilizing a multiple measures approach which allows test takers to demonstrate that they have the knowledge and skills required to be effective in the classroom. Tests are not the only way for candidates to demonstrate that they meet content knowledge requirements. | ||||||
Content Area |
2022-2023 (9/1/2022 - 6/23/2023) | 2021-2022 (9/1/2021-8/31/2022) |
2020-2021 (9/1/2020-8/31/2021) |
Number of Test Takers |
Percentage Passing | Number of Test Takers | Percentage Passing | Number of Test Takers |
Percentage Passing |
Overall - All Tests |
162 | 75.31% | 275 | 75.27% | 414 |
74.64% |
Art | 1 | ** | 12 | 100.00% | 11 | 90.91% |
Biology | 1 | ** | 6 | 83.33% | 6 | 33.33% |
Business | 1 | ** | 0 | N/A | 3 | ** |
Chemistry | 0 | N/A | 1 | ** | 3 | ** |
Elementary Education Subtest I | 38 | 76.32% | 49 | 71.43% | 94 | 68.09% |
Elementary Education Subtest II | 50 | 58.00% | 68 | 64.71% | 95 | 68.42% |
English for Speakers of Other Languages | 17 | 88.24% | 39 | 61.54% | 45 | 88.89% |
English Language Arts | 5 | 100.00% | 4 | ** | 14 | 100.00% |
General Science | 3 | ** | 1 | ** | 2 | ** |
Health | 3 | ** | 6 | 100.00% | 5 | 100.00% |
Mathematics | 2 | ** | 7 | 42.86% | 8 | 37.50% |
Middle Grades English Language Arts | 0 | N/A | 1 | ** | 0 | N/A |
Middle Grades General Science | 2 | ** | 1 | ** | 4 | ** |
Middle Grades Math | 6 | 50.00% | 11 | 54.55% | 13 | 84.62% |
Middle Grades Social Sciences | 1 | ** | 1 | ** | 8 | 12.50% |
Music | 5 | 80.00% | 9 | 100.00% | 9 | 88.89% |
Physical Education | 9 | 100.00% | 23 | 100.00% | 33 | 75.76% |
Physics | 0 | N/A | 1 | ** | 0 | ** |
Social Science (Social Studies) | 4 | ** | 10 | 80.00% | 12 | 91.67% |
Special Education | 11 | 81.82% | 23 | 86.96% | 32 | 93.75% |
World Language: Chinese | 0 | N/A | 0 | N/A | 1 | ** |
World Language: French | 0 | N/A | 1 | ** | 2 | ** |
World Language: German | 0 | N/A | 0 | N/A | 0 | N/A |
World Language: Spanish | 2 | ** | 1 | ** | 6 | 100.00% |
**Number of test takers is too small to protect the anonymity of the test taker so data is not reported. |
EdTPA (Teacher Performance Assessment) | ||||||
Handbook | 2022-2023 (9/1/2022 - 6/23/2023) | 2021-2022 (9/1/2021-8/31/2022) | 2020-2021 (9/1/2020-8/31/2021)* | |||
Number of Test Takers | Percentage Passing | Number of Test Takers | Percentage Passing | Number of Test Takers | Percentage Passing | |
Overall - All Handbooks | 98 | 93.90% | 119 | 95.80% | 60 | 93.30% |
Business Education | 1 | ** | 2 | ** | 2 | ** |
Early Childhood | 11 | 100.00% | 0 | N/A | 0 | N/A |
Elementary Education | 34 | 97.06% | 56 | 96.43% | 35 | 97.14% |
Health | 0 | N/A | 0 | N/A | 1 | ** |
Performing Arts | 4 | ** | 8 | 100.00% | 1 | ** |
Physical Education | 5 | 60.00% | 4 | ** | 0 | N/A |
Secondary English Language Arts | 5 | 100.00% | 3 | ** | 4 | ** |
Secondary History/Social Studies | 3 | ** | 11 | 100.00% | 2 | ** |
Secondary Mathematics | 7 | 71.40% | 6 | 83.30% | 2 | ** |
Secondary Science | 10 | 100.00% | 9 | 88.90% | 2 | ** |
Special Education | 9 | 100.00% | 13 | 100.00% | 8 | 75.00% |
Visual Arts | 3 | ** | 1 | ** | 0 | N/A |
World Language: Chinese | 0 | N/A | 1 | ** | 0 | N/A |
World Language: Japanese | 0 | N/A | 0 | N/A | 1 | ** |
World Language: French | 1 | ** | 2 | ** | 0 | N/A |
World Language: Spanish | 5 | 80.00% | 3 | ** | 2 | ** |
*During 2020-2021 Oregon Teacher Standards and Practices Commission allowed licensure candidates to complete edTPA alternatives and did not require the edTPA assessment in order to become licensed. | ||||||
**Number of test takers is too small to protect the anonymity of the test taker so data is not reported. |