Civic Engagement Scholarship
The McCall Center for Civic Engagement encourages faculty to align their scholarly endeavors with civic engagement teaching. Pacific adheres to the Boyer approach to faculty life, which encourages the scholarship of engagement.
Pacific Faculty Scholarly Work in Civic Engagement
Pacific faculty have been involved in numerous publications, conference presentations, and other forms of scholarly work related to civic engagement. For example:
- Philosophy professor Ramona Ilea co-created the website
- Associate professor Jann Purdy edited a volume about civic engagement in language learning
- Professor Nancy Christoph published an article about how teaching with service changed her as a faculty member
Associate professor and MCCE director Stephanie Stokamer’s publications include:
- Stokamer, S. T. (2018). Intersections of institutional context for S-LCE professionals. In Berkey, B., Eddins, E., Green, P. M., & Meixner, C. (Eds.), Faculty development in the service of community engagement and service-learning. Sterling, VA: Stylus.
- Stokamer, S. T. & Clayton, P. H. (2017). Student civic learning through service learning: Instructional design and research. In J. Hatcher, R. Bringle, & T. Hahn (Eds.), Research on student civic outcomes in service learning: Conceptual frameworks and methods. Sterling, VA: Stylus.
- Cress, C. M., Stokamer, S. T., & Kaufman, J. P. (2015). Community partner guide to campus collaborations: Enhance your community by becoming a co-educator with colleges and universities. Sterling, VA: Stylus.
- Cress, C. M., Stokamer, S. T., Van Cleave, T. J., & Edwin, C. (2013, 2nd Edition). Global and immersive service-learning: What you need to know as you go. In C. M. Cress, P. J. Collier, & V. L. Reitenauer (Eds.), Learning Through Serving: A Student Guidebook for Service-Learning and Civic Engagement Across Academic Disciplines and Cultural Communities. Sterling, VA: Stylus.
- Stokamer, S. (2013, March). Pedagogical catalysts of civic competence: The Development of a critical epistemological model for community-based learning. Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement, 17(1), 113-122. Available from .
- Stokamer, S. (2011). Modeling citizenship: The nexus of knowledge and skill. In C. Cress & D. Donahue (Eds.), Democratic Dilemmas of Teaching Service-Learning: Curricular Strategies for Success. Sterling, VA: Stylus.
Scholarly Outlets
(IARSLCE) | Runs an annual conference on service learning and community engagement
| Peer-reviewed multimedia e-journal for projects, pedagogies, resources and ideas incorporating humanities, arts, and design in public life. Like Imagining America, Public seeks rich engagements between a diverse range of participants, disciplines, sectors, and organizations, as well as between works in its interactive archive
| Peer-reviewed journal publishing quality research, theory, and pedagogy articles related to higher education and academic service-learning
| Peer reviewed interdisciplinary, web-based journal
Additional scholarship outlet links from
Additional Scholarly Resources
- Civic learning conferences and reports
(Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement) | Conducts research on the civic and political engagement of young American