Human Resources maintains the official personnel files for all current and past employees to document benefits and employment related decisions and comply with federal and state recordkeeping requirements.
Supervisors are discouraged from keeping informal files on employees. But supervisors may temporarily maintain records concerning ongoing employee performance. These records will be considered personnel records if they fall within the definition of “personnel records” as defined by ORS 652.750. Supervisors must follow all personnel record retention and confidentiality requirements and must transmit any personnel records to Human Resources in a timely manner and upon request by Human Resources.
Employees have a right to access their personnel records. An employee who wishes to review their personnel file should contact Human Resources to schedule a mutually convenient time when the file can be reviewed at the University. The personnel file cannot be removed from the Human Resources Department. In addition to reviewing their personnel records at the University or in lieu of that, employees may request hard or electronic copies of their personnel records. In accordance with Oregon law, a reasonable charge will be made for hard copies requested by employees.
To ensure the confidentiality of personnel information, access to an employee’s personnel file is limited to the employee, an employee’s authorized representative, and authorized administrators and supervisors.