OTTAWA - More than 30 organizations from across Canada are forming partnerships in a $15.5-million series of initiatives designed to prevent chronic disease.

The seven collaborative coalitions are to address such issues as childhood obesity, screening for chronic disease by family doctors, and the unique needs of First Nations communities.

About two-thirds of deaths in Canada are due to chronic diseases, many of which -- like heart disease and many cancers -- can be prevented through healthier lifestyles and healthier communities.

Groups funding the initiative include the Canadian Partnership Against Cancer, the Public Health Agency of Canada and the Heart and Stroke Foundation.

Participants aim to research and promote how aspects of healthy living such as healthy body weight, non-smoking and environmental stewardship can reduce the risk of chronic disease like cancer, diabetes, lung disease and heart disease.

The coalitions will incorporate scientific, practice and policy expertise as they build on chronic disease prevention efforts already underway in many provinces and territories.

The funded programs include:

Tackling childhood obesity by limiting the accessibility and appeal of unhealthy food choices.

Working with First Nations communities in two provinces to develop chronic-disease prevention training programs for community-based health workers.

Harnessing electronic medical record systems and evidence-based approaches to increase prevention and screening for heart disease, diabetes and cancer in participating family-doctors' offices.

The funding is the result of an open call for proposals issued last June by the Canadian Partnership Against Cancer, an independent group funded by the federal government to accelerate action on cancer control.

An adjudication panel of objective research, practice and policy experts from across North America evaluated the proposals against a transparent list of review criteria.

The partnership is providing $12.5 million of the $15.5 million in overall finding.