WARSAW, Poland -- Poland's ruling party leader and the president have weighed in to save the lives of a herd of some 180 cows and bulls that went feral after years of neglect and were ordered slaughtered.

Poland's most powerful politician, Jaroslaw Kaczynski, said this week the herd in the rural community of Deszczno should be saved for humanitarian reasons. Famed Cat-lover Kaczynski said he wants Poles to know that many politicians are friends to animals.

President Andrzej Duda also tweeted to say the herd should be saved.

In response, Agriculture Minister Jan Krzysztof Ardanowski said the animals will be examined and put under the care of a state-owned farm.

The deputy governor in Deszczno, Aleksander Szperka, said Friday he is waiting for the herd -- which remains on fenced-off land -- to be taken away.