TORONTO -- An Asian-American woman landed her alleged attacker in the hospital after he accosted her in San Francisco.

Xiao Zhen Xie is the latest victim of anti-Asian attacks in the U.S., just one day after six Asian-Americans were shot dead in massage parlours in Atlanta.

In a video taken at the scene, a distraught Xie can be seen crying and holding what looks like a thin wooden board, and a younger white man is sitting bloodied and handcuffed to a stretcher.

The 76-year-old’s eye can be seen bleeding and is swollen shut as she brandishes the wooden board in the man’s direction.

Xie later spoke to CBS news, with her daughter, Dong-Mei Li, translating. She said her eye was still bleeding and that she can’t see out of it.

Xie said that she was waiting for a pedestrian signal when she was hit, at which point her instincts told her to fight back.

The family started a to cover medical and therapy costs and it has raised nearly $90,000 in less than 24 hours.