TORONTO - Health Canada is telling consumers not to buy a product called the Baby Car Seat Carrier Safety Belt, and to stop using it immediately if one has already been purchased.

The agency says that based on marketplace investigations, it's believed the Baby Car Seat Carrier Safety Belts aren't in Canadian stores, but they can be bought online through the shopping website.

The product doesn't have the stamp of approval from Transport Canada, and hasn't been certified to meet the safety requirements of the Motor Vehicle Restraint Systems and Booster Seats Safety Regulations.

Health Canada has contacted the website and asked that it stop sale and distribution of the product, but hasn't received a response from the company.

The agency is also working with the Canada Border Services Agency to stop the product from coming into the country.

In photos provided by Health Canada, the product appears to be made mostly of fabric and without the hard shell moulding that is typically found in baby car seats that have been approved by regulatory authorities.