TORONTO - His father's voice was silenced when he was killed in a bloody shooting last year, but Mexican anti-mining activist Jose Luis Abarca Montejo refuses to back down over the activities of Canadian mining companies in his state.

The son of Mariano Abarca Roblero, the community leader who spoke out against Calgary-based mining company Blackfire Exploration Ltd. and was gunned down in front of his home in Chicomuselo, Chiapas, is in Canada with a message.

"Canadian trans-national companies are corrupting Mexican authorities and contaminating the environment," Abarca Montejo said in an interview in Toronto on Saturday.

Since his father's murder, the younger Abarca has taken on a leadership role in his community's fight against a Canadian mine he said is destroying the environment and creating divisions between neighbours.

Now embarking on a six-day Canadian tour, the 28-year-old law graduate is to make an appearance at a human rights conference organized by NDP MP Peter Julian, as well as meet with Canadian lawyers and anti-mining activists.

The trip was organized by Julian and some Canadian non-governmental organizations.

It's Abarca Montejo's first trip this far from home but one he felt compelled to do in his father's memory.

"He continues to be a very special person for me," Abarca Montejo said. "Very honest, loyal and more than anything a fighter... he taught me respect and to keep fighting."

Part of Abarca Montejo's visit is to show support for two Private Member Bills -- Bill C-300 introduced by Liberal MP John McKay, and Bill C-354 introduced by NDP MP Peter Julian. Both have to do with enforcing accountability for Canadian companies overseas.

Abarca Montejo said he holds Blackfire responsible for the death of his father. Abarca Montejo said his father was a vocal critic of the company's practices and also complained to local authorities about death threats from Blackfire employees before he was killed.

After the murder, three people were arrested in Chiapas for allegedly carrying out the crime -- all of whom all are linked in some way to Blackfire.

One of the three men has since been released from jail after police determined he was not linked to the crime, Abarca Montejo said.

Blackfire has maintained it had nothing to do with Abarca Roblero's death, noting Mexican law enforcement has never implicated the Calgary company in the killing.

"Blackfire is the most significant employer in the town of Chicomuselo," the company said.

"The past employment or service ties to Blackfire Exploration of individuals involved in this incident is the result of the magnitude of which the company is involved in the community."

Blackfire has maintained its operations have followed strict environmental guidelines and has disputed suggestions that it pollutes the area.

The mine's involvement in the community has declined significantly since being shut down by the environment authority of the state of Chiapas in early December.

But Abarca Montejo said the situation in Chicomuselo remains tense, even though the armed police officer stationed outside the family home to offer protection after the murder is no longer there.

Abarca Montejo said his mother and three siblings are still reeling from their father's death.

"My mother has been very affected by this," Abarca Montejo said. "She's losing weight, she has headaches, she cries, she's worried."

Abarca Roblero's death made Canadian headlines when Governor General Michaelle Jean visited Chiapas in December 2009.

Subsequent allegations that the company paid the mayor of Chicomuselo approximately C$20,000, and was asked to provide the mayor with a night alone with a nude model created even more titilating headlines.

Blackfire reportedly alleged it was the victim of extortion and filed a complaint with Mexican authorities in 2009

After the corruption allegations came to light, a complaint was filed by a coalition of Canadian anti-mining organizations with the RCMP last March.

In the complaint the RCMP were asked to investigate Blackfire under the seldom-used Corruption of Foreign Public Officials Act, which states it is illegal to bribe foreign officials.

Reached by phone, Sgt. Sylvain Roussel of the International Anti-Corruption Unit of the RCMP said he couldn't confirm or deny whether or not there is an investigation going on as a result of the complaint.

"If ever there are any charges laid... at that point it becomes public knowledge," Roussel said from Calgary.

Blackfire said it hasn't been contacted by the RCMP for any investigation. The company explained the money was for Chicomuselo's local town fair was deposited directly into the mayor's bank account because "the town has no banks."

Abarca Montejo disputes that claim, and said he has proof he intends to share with the Mounties that shows there is a banking option in the town.

He said a local telegraph office has an agreement with several Mexican banks, and he also said the municipal government's treasury office has an account set up specifically to receive payments.

Abarca Montejo also said Blackfire has been making overtures to people in neighbouring villages, promising paved roads, a health clinic and economic support in exchange for allowing a new mine to open.

Abarca Montejo said similar promises were made with regards to the Payback mine, but were not completed.

Rick Arnold, of the organization Common Frontiers, said making those kinds of promises are a "trick."

"It appears they're going to put money in the community, but in reality they make the promises but the state ends up doing it when it comes to following through," Armold, who visited the Payback mine last April, said in Toronto.

A protest against mining in the region around Chicomuselo was held on Aug. 27 in several communities, Abarca Montejo said.

For its part, Blackfire said it does have other "interests" in the area that are being reviewed, but there is no mine being currently developed.

"For competitive reasons the company will not disclose additional information concerning these interests," Blackfire said.