NEW YORK -- Reactions to the death of comedian Gilbert Gottfried:

"I am so sad to read about the passing of Gilbert Gottfried. Funny, politically incorrect but a softie on the inside. We met many times; he even pranked me on a plane, replacing my intepreter@655jack (they're like twins)." -- .

"Nobody was funnier than @RealGilbert on a roll. He could put you into convulsive hysterics. He was also the sweetest man. His podcast is a comedy treasure. What a terrible loss." -- .

"Opening for Gilbert Gottfried at Carolines and Princeton Catch was one of the great thrills of my early stand up life. He could leave you gasping for breath...just indescribably unusually hilarious." -- .

"I shall miss you, my friend, my sometimes foil, my always pain in my side, usually from the belly laughs. The heavens are a great deal louder with you out there now, I'm sure. Keep 'em shaking their heads and smiling, Gilbert." -- .

"Gilbert Gottfried made me laugh so hard that day on set, I could barely do my job. A wholly original comic, and an equally kind and humble guy behind the scenes. He will be missed." -- Seth MacFarlane, who posted a scene they did together in

"Gilbert Gottfried made me laugh at times when laughter did not come easily. What a gift." -- .

"Sad to hear of the passing of the groundbreaking and legendary Gilbert Gottfried. Here was the last time I saw you in Miami. My condolences to the family and friends of this genius comic, artist, and provocateur. Comedy mourns tonight." -- .

"The funniest person I've ever known." -- .

"Gilbert Gottfried was never not funny. He was a lovely guy, always friendly & made many people happy." -- .

"The first comedian I saw who would go on and all the other comics would go in the room to watch," -- .

"This is a sad day." -- .