TORONTO -- The Canadian mission is over in Afghanistan, with the last military flight taking off from Kabul Thursday, as the Taliban has retaken the country.

With images and video showing chaotic and violent scenes from the final evacuations taking place out of Kabul airport, Canadians wishing to help can make donations to several organizations who continue to work on the ground in Afghanistan.

to help resettle Canadian embassy staff and Afghan interpreters who assisted Canadian military operations. The program allows Canadians to volunteer or donate clothing, furniture or money.


A Canadian-veteran led non-profit organization, the Veterans Transition Network has set up an specifically to provide shelter and support to interpreters and their families in Afghanistan awaiting relocation to Canada. Donations will be able to help people immediately by paying for interim housing and a basic living wage, while they navigate an avenue of escape.


Displacement can quickly turn into a need for food, water and hygiene, and is asking for donations to provide all three to those in Afghanistan. The organization says they've been on the ground helping those in the country for more than 20 years.


With the Taliban's quick movement through the country, there are . Women for Women International is an organization headquartered in Washington, D.C., that supports women who are survivors of war and conflict. It tweeted Sunday that while their team in Afghanistan has had to take shelter, they continue to accept donations in order to help find women safe places to meet and create support networks for women to stay connected. The organization also states on their donation page that to its Afghanistan program.


Journalists in Afghanistan face extreme danger amid the Taliban takeover, according to the the Committee to Protect Journalists. is a Danish non-profit that supports local media in countries affected by armed conflict and works to maintain freedom of the press. The organization is accepting donations on behalf of the Afghan Journalists Safety Committee in order to help provide reporters with shelters and safehouses, as well as ongoing support to ensure independent journalists can continue to operate.