An international advocacy group says it has collected thousands of names in a campaign calling for GoFundMe to remove a page that's raising funds for Saskatchewan farmer Gerald Stanley's family.

The online petition launched by the group says the crowdfunding website is profiting from the death of Colten Boushie, an Indigenous man who died on Stanley's farm in 2016.

A jury acquitted Stanley of second-degree murder in Boushie's death earlier this month and a to assist Stanley's family has raised more than $200,000.

The petition says GoFundMe collects a fee for each donation and a percentage for processing the payment, and it argues the fundraising page violates GoFundMe's terms that prohibit items that promote hate, violence, racial intolerance, or the financial exploitation of a crime.

"The courts have failed the Boushie family, and now, GofundMe is profiting off of their pain," the petition states.

It further calls on GoFundMe to return all of the donations the campaign has raised.