Canadians across the country will endure the effects of an unusually powerful jet stream that is set to develop over the Pacific Ocean, according to a by the Weather Network's Forecast Centre.

The jet stream is set to stretch more than 10,000 kilometres across the Pacific Ocean, from China to B.C, in a "ruler-straight" line, the Weather Network reports.

According to meteorologists, the jet stream will first have notable impacts on the West Coast, followed by a downstream-weather effect in the East to finish January. The jet stream could also impact weather patterns in February.

Here's what to expect in different regions of Canada.

West Coast, North West Territories, Prairies:

Atmospheric river events are likely to reach B.C. as early as next week, with significant increases in temperature leading to higher volumes of alpine rain.

The Pacific air stream will move northward, generating a ridge of warm air, with temperatures up to 20 C above what's seasonally typical in some regions.

On top of this, all of nearly all of the Northwest Territories and all of the Prairie provinces will face higher temperatures by Tuesday of next week.

Eastern Canada:

The Weather Network reports that the positioning of the jet stream will result in a different effect in Eastern Canada, likely directing colder air into the area, interrupting a recent spike in temperatures in Ontario and Quebec.

Despite eventual warm air entering southern Ontario, southern Quebec should remain below freezing for most of next week, the Weather Network reports.

Colder weather has the potential to linger throughout February and March in Eastern Canada.

Atlantic Canada:

Atlantic Canada is expected to receive some arctic air early next week, receiving what the Weather Network calls "colder-than-normal temperatures," which will become milder the next later in the week. No storms are expected in Atlantic Canada during those weeks.