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Following a grant from the Oregon National Space Grant Consortium, physics alumnus Huy Nguyen '21, along with Physics Professor Todd Duncan built a three-dimensional model showing the optimal orbit for spacecraft to "park" between the earth and moon. The model will be exhibited at the Evergreen Aviation & Space Museum in McMinnville.
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Dr. Marvanova previously served as dean and professor of the Skaggs School of Pharmacy at the University of Montana. Between July 2020 and September 2021, she also served as acting dean of the College of Health, overseeing five other accredited health profession schools.
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Nonprofits are the third largest economic sector in the United States, offering more than 12 million jobs nationwide — and growing, despite a worker shortage. Prepare to lead as you build skills, relevant experience, and networks in the nonprofit world.
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Two historians have compiled and published a sortable list of Native people who died while attending two boarding schools for Indigenous Americans in Oregon. The online resource, which covers deaths dating back to 1881, documents approximately 275 students and 30 non-students who were buried at the Chemawa School Cemetery near Salem, and two who are buried in unmarked graves at the Forest View Cemetery in Forest Grove.