TORONTO -- A Toronto real estate agent's quirky musical marketing campaign seems to have struck a chord with homebuyers.

Arty Basinski first set one of his properties to a beat he'd created in 2019, when his "Lil Yellow House" video garnered tens of thousands of views on YouTube and increased interest in the property.

Since then, more of Basinski's clients have agreed to let him use his unique musical stylings to help set their properties apart from the rest.

His latest video, "," touts the benefits of a storefront property in Hamilton.

Basinski told CTV's Your Morning that although properties like that one would normally take six months or more to sell, the "Loft Mi Casa" property was sold shortly after the video went up.

"It was a pleasant surprise how quick this one went," he said Thursday.

"We had it listed for a couple weeks before, at a bit higher price – and then we put the video out and it sold a couple days after that."

The musical approach isn't for all sellers, Basinski said, because they might be hoping to offload their property more quickly than the several weeks it takes to put together a video.

Likewise, not all of the videos Basinksi has produced are to show off specific listings. Some are designed to explain how the real estate market works, with advice for buyers and sellers – especially those who are new to the game.

"Everyone thinks that it's impossible to buy houses. I'm trying to reach out and say 'It's not that impossible, you can do it,'" he said.