A garment based on your own unique lifestyle could soon be a reality thanks to the "Coded Couture" project by Google and H&M's Ivyrevel label, currently in closed alpha testing.

H&M-backed digital fashion house Ivyrevel has been working with Google on a project called "Coded Couture", in which Android users will be able to use an app to design a personalized "Data Dress" based on their lifestyle and preferences. The app uses Google's Awareness API, introduced at last year's Google I/O developer conference, to create a custom dress, ordered through the app itself.

The most recent development, announced on February 6, is the introduction of Snapshot API, which monitors the user's movements during the day, from places visited to restaurants and even the weather. This information is then translated into a unique "Data Dress."

Ivyrevel has invited interested parties to for a trial before the public release, expected for Fall 2017.