
Cost:  $25-60


  • Primarily females
  • Great to use for groups that don't like traditional fitness or simply want something different to do


  • Surprising challenge - really works cardio, core and conditioning
  • Core – worth mentioning again because everyone always wants extra and options
  • Portable – there's a travel option that breaks down
  • Versatile – the travel one can be used full-sized or you can leave out one link which decreases the weight and diameter and increases the challenge
  • Fun and different

Where to purchase:


Canadian information and distributor pending

Where to get info:

  • Classes available at some gyms and facilities
  • – DVD's of all levels available along with a 4-pack
  • YouTube -- there are lots of clips and trainers demonstrating exercises, but make sure it's a credible source and make sure the exercise is appropriate for your needs, fitness and goals.


Cost:  $150-180


  • typically used by fanatically fit
  • GREAT for ALL levels when used under the guidance of a trainer


  • Functional exercises – meaning it helps train movements you use in everyday life
  • Body weight – it's all based on angles, gravity, levers and body weight
  • Easy to modify – increase or decrease the challenge based on the above
  • Versatile – there are countless exercises that can be done including upper, lower body, cardio and conditioning
  • Efficient – you can get an incredible total body workout in 15-30 minutes
  • Portable – can be used over a beam, tree branch or used with a door anchor to be used anywhere, any time

Where to purchase:

  • Fitness Source
  • Online @

Where to get info:

  •  â€“ great information, exercises, dvd's, etc.
  • Trainer or a local gym
  • Youtube – there are lots of clips and trainers demonstrating exercises, but these usually feature extreme exercises so make sure it's a credible source, make sure the exercise is appropriate for your needs, fitness and goals
  • -- We're going to be featuring exercises of the month which will include TRX clips (along with other easy exercises you can do at home or on the road)


Cost:  $10-50


  • All levels

Programs include:

  • Academic Beats - math and drumming for kids
  • Golden Beats – for seniors
  • Power Beats – total body cardio and conditioning
  • Drumming Strong – muscle conditioning focus
  • Therapy beats – used for neuromuscular disorders and learning challenges


A surprisingly effective workout

Easy to outfit

  • Any drumsticks - $5-$10
  • Stability ball - $15-30
  • Stand of some sort – step riser, laundry basket or formal stand ($15)

Versatile – used for all levels with so many benefits

  • Cardio
  • Conditioning
  • Coordination
  • Neuromuscular


  • Portable – you can do anywhere you have a stability ball
  • Fun – you can use your favourite music and just drum away!

Where to purchase:

  • Equipment – anywhere
  • DVD's – online @

Where to get info:

  • Classes available as some clubs and facilities
  • DVD's – online @ www.drumsalive.de


Cost:  $20+ (pay by the weight)


  • typically used by advanced participants
  • Can be great for ALL levels when used under the guidance of a trainer


  • Functional exercises – meaning it helps train movements you use in everyday life

Where to purchase:

  • Fitness stores

Where to get info:

  • Trainer or a local gym
  • Youtube – there are lots of clips and trainers demonstrating exercises, but these usually feature extreme exercises so make sure it's a credible source, make sure the exercise is appropriate for your needs, fitness and goals.

We're going to be featuring exercises of the month which will include SAFE Kettlebell clips (along with other easy exercises you can do at home or on the road)

Additional Fun and Fit Options:

Not new, but definitely new advances and twists…


  • Lots of options and styles from Zumba, Bellydancing, Fuzion, Salsa -- to choose from
  • Accessible in many places without having to purchase a membership -- schools, clubs, studios, etc.

Some sources:


  • So many styles to choose from to suit any need, fitness level and preference
  • Accessible in many places without having to purchase a membership – schools, clubs, studios, etc.