LONDON - Heather Mills McCartney says she's feeling better after venting her rage against estranged husband Paul McCartney and the media in a series of TV interviews last week.

But the 39-year-old activist isn't upset that McCartney was photographed kissing another woman, Nancy Shevell, 47, in the Hamptons on New York's Long Island last weekend.

"It's none of anybody's business what happens in Paul's love life,'' Mills McCartney said.

McCartney, 65, and Mills McCartney separated last year. They are in the process of negotiating terms for their divorce.

In interviews last week, Mills McCartney accused the ex-Beatle of failing to protect her and their three-year-old daughter Beatrice; railed against press coverage; and announced a campaign to get European legislation to curb news media.

Returning Thursday to GMTV, Mills McCartney said she's received much support for her campaign.

"It's been unbelievably cathartic. It's the difference between being in prison and being on parole,'' she said.

"I've had 18 months of the worst press ever and I got the chance to protect myself and my daughter.''

"A little girl came up to me and said, `You made me cry last week,' and I felt bad,'' Mills McCartney added. "I said, `I didn't want to make you cry,' and she said, " hate those bullying newspapers, I'm never going to buy a newspaper.' ''