Prime Minister Stephen Harper will make his first visits to India and China over the next several weeks, in an effort to strengthen economic ties with two growing Asian powers.

According to a statement issued Wednesday by the PMO, Harper will visit India from Nov. 16 to 18, after he attends an APEC summit in Singapore on Nov. 14 and 15.

A separate statement announced that Harper would make a much-anticipated trip to China from Dec. 2 to 6.

"Our two countries enjoy a growing partnership, sharing significant interests in trade and investment, the environment and regional security," Harper said in the statement about his China visit.

"Canada is committed to a strong relationship with China that reflects our mutual respect and the need for practical co-operation."

Harper has faced criticism from opposition MPs and business leaders for his government's strained relationship with China, Canada's third-largest export destination, since he took office in 2006.

The Tories angered Chinese officials in the early days of their minority government when they accused China of human rights abuses, and loudly protested the imprisonment of Chinese-Canadian Huseyin Celil.

The Chinese have also been upset by Canada's close relationship with the Dalai Lama, who was given honourary Canadian citizenship.

"The Canadian business community was rather upset with the Conservative government's approach to China," CTV's Ottawa Bureau Chief Robert Fife told News Channel Wednesday afternoon. "And with the country in a recession and still coming out of it, the prime minister realizes that he has to go to China, heal those relations, and try to get more trade going with the Chinese."

While the prime minister will be making his first trips to the two countries, there have been 11 ministerial-level visits to India and 18 to China since 2006.

Trade Minister Stockwell Day and Foreign Affairs Minister Lawrence Cannon both made highly publicized trips to China earlier this year.