A Halifax father is frustrated after he tried to order a delivery of KFC for his children, only to be told the driver wouldn't come to his neighbourhood because it was unsafe.

Resident Jay Wilson ordered from a KFC outlet about 10 minutes away from his home in Uniacke Square, a public housing area in the north end of the city.

"I felt really bad, not only for my family and myself but for the neighbourhood," he told CTV Atlantic.

KFC deliveries are handled by a separate company. About 20 minutes after Wilson ordered his food, the delivery company phoned him and said it refused service to certain areas where it couldn't ensure the safety of its drivers.

A spokesperson for KFC told CTV Atlantic she supported the delivery company's decision, and that KFC also makes the safety of its employees a top priority.

Wilson moved to Uniacke Square last spring and lives just three doors down from a Halifax Regional Police community office.

He said he's had problems in the past with restaurants refusing to deliver to his neighbourhood, but added that the area's negative reputation is unfair.

"This neighbourhood has had problems in the past but every neighbourhood has problems," he said.

Wilson eventually decided to call for a pizza delivery.

Randy Farid, the owner of the pizza shop that took Wilson's order, Randy's Pizza, said up to 70 per cent of his business comes from Uniacke Square.

"In 20 years we haven't refused any orders anywhere in Halifax," he said. "We don't care if it's (Uniacke Square) or the south end. We deal with all the people the same way."

With a report from CTV Atlantic's Jonathan MacInnis in Halifax