, held an emotional Instagram Live on Monday in the wake of her husband's death from COVID-19.

The former Radio City Rockette-turned-fitness instructor has been doing live videos each day at 3 p.m. ever since Cordero was admitted to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles in late March. In them, Kloots shared updates about Cordero and sang his song, "Live Your Life," along with fans from all over the world. It began to be called #WakeUpNick.

She said she wanted to hold one more the day after Cordero died after being hospitalized for 95 days due to complications from COVID-19.

In Monday's Instagram Live, Kloots tearfully spoke of her husband and then sang his song.

"We played this song a lot yesterday in Nick's room with him," she shared. "And we were singing to him and I kept telling him that he had the whole world singing his song and knowing who he was and what kind of an amazing person he was. I just wanted him to know that his dream of becoming a rock star happened. And sometimes your dreams happen and you don't get to fully embrace them, but Nick's dream of becoming a rock star definitely happened and it was because of you guys."

Cordero, 41, suffered a series of setbacks over the course of his three months in the ICU, including the amputation of his right leg.

Earlier Monday, Kloots shared an intimate video her sister made. The video, which lasted more than 10 minutes, showed photos of the family rallying around Kloots and Cordero's 1-year-old son, Elvis.

"How do you get through the hardest time in your life? Family," Kloots wrote in the caption.

"I woke up to this video my sister made for me. She titled it, The Silver Linings. I have always been lucky to have a family that loves to be together and to support each other. I'm even luckier to have Nicks family and extended family that are the same.

"This video captures these last 95 days. The love, the exhaustion, the bonds, the smiles, the song, the exercise, the hard work, the care, support and most of all love. They did all of this for Nick, Elvis and I- selfless time from their lives to be with us.

"In times of trauma, look for the silver linings. Spend time with family. Smile through the tears. Have faith when things seem impossible. Love one another."

Kloots shared another video from her sister on Tuesday, featuring photos of Kloots and Cordero together throughout their relationship.

"We pushed each other's buttons in the best of ways," Kloots wrote. "He would always look at me and say, "I'm the luckiest." Well darling, I was the luckiest to get to spend five years with you and to share a son that will always remind me of you.


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