Music industry chart organization Billboard has named Madonna as its Woman of the Year for 2016, citing immense concert ticket sales, philanthropic work and humand rights advocacy, and her continuing status as a continuing best-selling recording artist.

"Madonna is one of a miniscule number of super-artists whose influence and career transcend music," said president and chief creative officer of The Hollywood Reporter-Billboard Media Group, Janice Min.

"She is an inspiration to hundreds of millions of people around the world, all while shattering every career record out there."

Named among her achievements were the 1 million ticket sales and $170m USD generated by her Rebel Heart Tour, her status as the best-selling female recording artist of all time, and her life-saving Raising Malawi healthcare organization.

A Women in Music gala, at which Madonna will be honored, is to be held on December 9 in New York City, with the Lifetime network then airing the event on US TV.