The Duchess of Cambridge showed she still has a sassy side and prefers not to be bossed around, thank you very much, during her whirlwind trip through New York City earlier this week.

Kate was making an appearance at the Northside Centre for Child Development in Harlem and was asked to wrap a few Christmas gifts for underprivileged children.

While she wrapped, the five-months pregnant duchess paused for a bit to speak with some of the women who work at the centre.

But it seems that simply would not do for one lady at the event. Unimpressed with all the chit chat and not enough gift wrap, the woman called out to Kate off camera: "Keep wrapping!"

The duchess quickly turned back to her work while flashing a mischievous side-eye and smirk.

A Vine video perfectly captured the side-eye moment, which occurred Monday (the same day that when he made the grave royal protocol error of putting his arm around the duchess).